Image Wizard 2000

  • I'm trying to put an external image on a report. I have been told it's as easy as selecting web(1 of the 4 options in image wizard). I only have 3 options, Embedded, Project, and Database.

    I looked up this on BOL and found from this link that SQL 2000 reporting services shouls have it...

    Am I missing an installation of something?

    Can someone running SSRS 2000 check their Image Wizard and see if they get 4 options?

  • i am using 2005 and i have 4 options. 4th one is WEB. In images, usually u can use embedded images. it depends how and where u r using it.

  • Thanks for getting back with me.

    I'm trying to determine if there is something missing with our SSRS 2000.

    Because the link(in prevoius thread) is for SSRS 2000. Also I have read it in a few posts about the 4 options.

    I only have three.:angry:

    As far as the embedding goes the pictures get updated frequently. Hoever the names of the pictures stays the same. So if I embedded them I would then have to write a programs to embed them as I update them. Seems like alot of screwing around when this 4th option is there. I just don't have it.

  • Hi,

    As i said it really depends how u want to use it. I have some graph which should appear in certain condition. So i put expression on value of graph and put condition and write name of embedded image. Appropriate image appears as condition met.

    I never think about using WEB option for my any report. At least 3 options are available for you which is most important to deal with images.

    i hope it helps.

  • The first thing I need to do is add the images of our inventory to the inventory list. We have over 500 units I report on. I update around 20 units each week with new pics. I upload these pics on various websites as well as our own.

    Because of this I thought that it would easier to get the images on my report by calling the image to the report from the website.

    What I know of embedding images in a table, then call the image from table, is from Access. In Access it takes alot of space and time.

    I have 500 units with at least 4 pics of each. Becasue of recent changes I'm needing to now take 8 pics of each unit.

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