Images in Reporting Services

  • Hi Guys,

    We have an image data type in our table to store bmp files.

    I inserted an image item into the report and set MIMEType to image/bmp because my file is bmp.

    Set Source to Database and the value to the image field in my table however when I run the report, it's coming up as a cross.

    The error message as follow:

    [rsRuntimeErrorInExpression] The Value expression for the image ‘image1’ contains an error: Invalid length for a Base-64 char array.

    [rsInvalidDatabaseImage] The Value expression for the image ‘image1’ did not evaluate to an image.

    I tried putting this into the value field and getting same result.

    =System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Mid(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(First(Fields!Signature.Value, "DataSet1")),79))

    Can anyone help please.


  • Fields!Signature.Value should work.

    Please refer to Product Catalog RDL in Adv works 2005/2008. There is a Image control called ProdPhoto and do refer to the properties for MIMEType,Source,Value and Parent.

    Also you might want to check your datatypes with those in Production.ProductPhoto

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  • I actually thinks the problem relates to the bitmap image I remember having problems with bitmap changed to either GIF or JPEG and the problem was resolved. If you must use Bitmap you may try adding it to a Rectangle instead.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Gift Peddie (3/6/2009)

    I actually thinks the problem relates to the bitmap image I remember having problems with bitmap changed to either GIF or JPEG and the problem was resolved. If you must use Bitmap you may try adding it to a Rectangle instead.

    I will gives this a try.

    The data type for the field in DB is Image and I import the bmp file into the database using another system which accept BMP files on.

    When I look at my dataset, the bmp file field is shown as BINARY, I can't simply drag this into the report as it changes to a text box so I inserted an image thingy and set the property however a red cross come up.

    I think the issue is with the client software that I used to import the picture as I did not have a problem displaying bmp picture on the report from another Image field on another sql table.

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