Import Excel data into SQL Database

  • We're running SQL 2005 64-bit and I have never been able to get the "Import" function to work with Excel files. I have resigned myself to importing them into Access and then from there into SQL. Luckily I don't have to do it too often....if I did, I'd look at SSIS or OPENROWSET.

  • Is there any way to do this with T-SQL? I have to frequently update a table on my the database from an excel file, the problem is that all the records on the table have to be deleted prior importing the data from the excel file, and the table has to be available with all the records the most possible. Importing the data thru Enterprise Manager is a litlle slow because the step by step method..

    Thanks a lot in advance.

  • Paul Mc

    A very similar question was asked in another forum and here is the most flexible approach given as the answer. This may also be the answer to your question. Look at

    by the way the above was posted today

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Thanks a lot..

    After posting, I made a script.. here´s it..

    delete from mytable

    insert into mytable (fieldame1, fieldame2, fieldame3, fieldame4) SELECT xlsfield1 as fieldname1, xlsfield2 as fieldname2, xlsfield3 as fieldname3, xlsfield4 as fieldname4 FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;Database=d:\myxlsfile.xls','SELECT * FROM [mysheetname$]')

  • Hi, I created a macro into Excel to save data into SQL server as follow:

    sqlstring = "UPDATE SNOP_ForecastProcesoAgosto Set Fp01 =" & nFp01 & ", Fp02=" & nFp02 & ", Fp03=" & nFp03 & ", Fp04=" & nFp04 & ", Fp05=" & nFp05 & ", Fp06=" & nFp06 & ", Fp07=" & nFp07 & ", Fp08=" & nFp08 & ", Fp09=" & nFp09 & ", Fp10=" & nFp10 & ", Fp11=" & nFp11 & ", Fp12=" & nFp12 & " WHERE rut='" & crut & "' and codigo='" & csku & "'"

    connstring = _


    With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=connstring, Sql:=sqlstring, Destination:=Range ("DK1"))


    End With

    the problem with this code is that after this end, let's the Excel quite slow, is there another way, I have to work from Excel since changes needs to be refreshed on line, I cannot import them using Enterprice manager,



  • Or you could link to the table in your SQL Server db from a new access database, and import into the Access linked table just like you do for any standard Access table.

  • I have no too much experience with Access, but I already created a linked table into access with SQL Server, now I don't how to link Excel with the Access's dable for read/write,



  • Due to security bcp is disabled so you need to use SSIS packages.

    Use script command and write code in VB

    The example i have is to write in excel from SQL server. You can do opposite

    Public Sub Main()

    Dim ExcelObject As Object

    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer = 0

    Dim sPO As Long, sReason As String, sShiptoName As String, sShiptoAddress1 As String, sShiptoAddress2 As String, sShiptoCity As String

    Dim sShiptoState As String, sShiptoPostal As String, sSourceCode As String, sAttentionTo As String

    Dim sDelInstr1 As String, sDelInstr2 As String, sProductCode As String, iQuantity As Integer

    ' Dim connectionString As String = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=D:\Clients\Template\Book1.xls"

    Dim sString As String

    Dim sqlConnectionString As String = "Data Source=Server;Initial Catalog=DB;User Id=;Password=;"

    Dim ExcelConnString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\\server\e$\Campaigns\Working_Folder\Orders.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0"

    Dim SQL As String

    Dim ssql As String = "SELECT * FROM Table" '

    ' Create connection object

    Dim conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(ExcelConnString)

    'Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(SQL)

    'cmd.Connection = conn



    Dim sqlconn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(sqlConnectionString)

    Dim ordercmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand(ssql)

    ordercmd.Connection = sqlconn


    Dim reader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = ordercmd.ExecuteReader()

    While reader.Read()

    sPO = reader.GetInt64(0)

    sReason = reader(1).ToString

    sShiptoName = reader(2).ToString

    sShiptoAddress1 = reader(3).ToString

    sShiptoAddress2 = reader(4).ToString

    sShiptoCity = reader(5).ToString

    sShiptoState = reader(6).ToString

    sShiptoPostal = reader(7).ToString

    sSourceCode = reader(8).ToString

    sAttentionTo = reader(9).ToString

    sDelInstr1 = reader(10).ToString

    sDelInstr2 = reader(11).ToString

    sProductCode = reader(12).ToString

    iQuantity = reader.GetInt32(13)

    If j = 0 Then

    For i = 1 To 24


    j = 1


    End If



    & "'" & sPO & "','" & sReason & "'," _

    & "'" & sShiptoName & "','" & sShiptoAddress1 & "'," _

    & "'" & sShiptoAddress2 & "','" & sShiptoCity & "'," _

    & "'" & sShiptoState & "','" & sShiptoPostal & "'," _

    & "'" & sSourceCode & "','" & sAttentionTo & "'," _

    & "'" & sDelInstr1 & "','" & sDelInstr2 & "'," _

    & "'" & sProductCode & "','" & iQuantity & "')"

    Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(SQL)

    cmd.Connection = conn




    End While



    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

    End Sub

  • Due to security bcp is disabled on machines so you need to use SSIS packages.

    Use script command and write code in VB

    The example i have is to write in excel from SQL server. You can do opposite

    Public Sub Main()

    Dim ExcelObject As Object

    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer = 0

    Dim sPO As Long, sReason As String, sShiptoName As String, sShiptoAddress1 As String, sShiptoAddress2 As String, sShiptoCity As String

    Dim sShiptoState As String, sShiptoPostal As String, sSourceCode As String, sAttentionTo As String

    Dim sDelInstr1 As String, sDelInstr2 As String, sProductCode As String, iQuantity As Integer

    ' Dim connectionString As String = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=D:\Clients\Template\Book1.xls"

    Dim sString As String

    Dim sqlConnectionString As String = "Data Source=Server;Initial Catalog=DB;User Id=;Password=;"

    Dim ExcelConnString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\\server\e$\Campaigns\Working_Folder\Orders.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0"

    Dim SQL As String

    Dim ssql As String = "SELECT * FROM Table" '

    ' Create connection object

    Dim conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(ExcelConnString)

    'Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(SQL)

    'cmd.Connection = conn



    Dim sqlconn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(sqlConnectionString)

    Dim ordercmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand(ssql)

    ordercmd.Connection = sqlconn


    Dim reader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = ordercmd.ExecuteReader()

    While reader.Read()

    sPO = reader.GetInt64(0)

    sReason = reader(1).ToString

    sShiptoName = reader(2).ToString

    sShiptoAddress1 = reader(3).ToString

    sShiptoAddress2 = reader(4).ToString

    sShiptoCity = reader(5).ToString

    sShiptoState = reader(6).ToString

    sShiptoPostal = reader(7).ToString

    sSourceCode = reader(8).ToString

    sAttentionTo = reader(9).ToString

    sDelInstr1 = reader(10).ToString

    sDelInstr2 = reader(11).ToString

    sProductCode = reader(12).ToString

    iQuantity = reader.GetInt32(13)

    If j = 0 Then

    For i = 1 To 24


    j = 1


    End If



    & "'" & sPO & "','" & sReason & "'," _

    & "'" & sShiptoName & "','" & sShiptoAddress1 & "'," _

    & "'" & sShiptoAddress2 & "','" & sShiptoCity & "'," _

    & "'" & sShiptoState & "','" & sShiptoPostal & "'," _

    & "'" & sSourceCode & "','" & sAttentionTo & "'," _

    & "'" & sDelInstr1 & "','" & sDelInstr2 & "'," _

    & "'" & sProductCode & "','" & iQuantity & "')"

    Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(SQL)

    cmd.Connection = conn




    End While



    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

    End Sub

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