In Replication why we should not give write permission on subscribers

  • Hi friends,

    In our environment we have uni directional transactional replication setup.

    if we give read write access to the user on subscription databases what will happen

    and why we should not give rite waccess.

    Thanks in advance



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  • If you give write access to a subscriber changes made on the subscriber never make it to the publisher and it also will put replication out of sync. If you want to be able to write to both ends you need to look at merge or peer to peer replication.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • Hi Jack,

    Thanks for prompt reply.

    Can you briefly explain how replication will be out of sync. and will break the replication or will it through any error.



    ***Share your knowledge.It’s a way to achieve immortality----Dalai Lama***

  • I will try to explain.

    Lets assume you have given write permission on subscriber and somebody deletes a row which is in publisher and later somebody updates that row in publisher and now distributor will try to update that row on subscriber and since that row no longer exists replication will generate an error and will stop unless you have "Continue on data consistency error option" enabled.

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