Include condition in the combo box in a form (MS Access 2007)

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (12/19/2011)

    Add the 2 columns in the select that fills the combo, change the # of columns property in the combo. Set the witdh for those colums to 0;

    So it might look like this

    0;3;0;0 (assuming column1 is a pk, 2 is description/name and the last 2 need to be hidden).

    Then check the combo's event. I think it's in the afterupdate that you need to do this but I'm not 100% certain.

    Thanks, I accomplished that !! The next step is to autopopulate textbox2 based on the value that was selected by the user from the combo box and corresponding autopopulated value in textbox1.

    Thanks for your reply.

  • Then check the combo's event. I think it's in the afterupdate that you need to do this but I'm not 100% certain

    In vba the code will look like

    me.text1 = me.combo.columns(3)

    I don't remember if the columns index starts with 0 or 1, so you'll have to play with it.

    Happy searching!

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (12/19/2011)

    Then check the combo's event. I think it's in the afterupdate that you need to do this but I'm not 100% certain

    In vba the code will look like

    me.text1 = me.combo.columns(3)

    I don't remember if the columns index starts with 0 or 1, so you'll have to play with it.

    Happy searching!

    The columns start with 0 and so on....I used the code- =[Combo43].[Column](2) in the control source property of the textbox. it functions okay now. Thanks !

    What I am stuck with now is to autopopulate a textbox (textbox2) based on the user selected value in combobox and the already autopopulated(from combo box) value in textbox1.

    Would you have some idea on this one ?

  • Google & LEARN events.

    You need to become self-teaching. You can't depend on someone else to do that for you.

  • No matter where the source data table is stored : you're using an attached (or linked) table in Access, as the name of the table reveals: dbo_MG_SERVICE ('dbo_' is a standard prefix for an attached table in Access).

    In such conditions, all conversions from SQL format to Access format (e.g. SQL [bit] (0/1) = Access [boolean] (False:0/True:-1) are performed in the background by Access and the values that appear in the columns of the attached tables have an "Access data type" (if I may say so).

    If [DELETED_FLG] is defined as bit in the SQL database, it appears as a boolean in Access (Yes/No in the Definition view of the attached table).

    The testing condition must then be:




    Have a nice day!

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