
  • TravisDBA (3/15/2013)

    True story, but the rub with that is you got to treat and pay "good people" well, or they leave sooner or later and you are then left with "not so good people" running your business into the ground. i have seen this so many times in the industry it is not even funny anymore. You really do get what you pay for, good or bad.:-D

    Not always true - Last couple of rounds with some purchased software has proven that even though you may pay top dollar for something and it may look like a good fit, it ends up being a Lemon with no sugar around to make lemonade.

    -- Optimist with experience and still learning

  • Miles Neale (3/15/2013)

    Lynn Pettis (3/15/2013)

    TravisDBA (3/15/2013)

    No problem Lynn, since I am not that crazy about it either. However, with all due respect, the last time I checked you are not the forum police force around here either . Who are you to tell anyone on this forum what to drop or where a thread should go? 😀

    You know what, we are a self policing group here and if you don't like it take it up with Steve.

    Also, I have come to learn the the phrase "With all due respect" means none is intended.

    Thank you Lynn, you are correct.

    You have something brown on your nose.


  • jfogel (3/15/2013)

    Miles Neale (3/15/2013)

    Lynn Pettis (3/15/2013)

    TravisDBA (3/15/2013)

    No problem Lynn, since I am not that crazy about it either. However, with all due respect, the last time I checked you are not the forum police force around here either . Who are you to tell anyone on this forum what to drop or where a thread should go? 😀

    You know what, we are a self policing group here and if you don't like it take it up with Steve.

    Also, I have come to learn the the phrase "With all due respect" means none is intended.

    Thank you Lynn, you are correct.

    You have something brown on your nose.

    Really? Whatever....

  • Be quite, troll.


  • jfogel (3/15/2013)

    Be quite, troll.

    Oh, okay now I am a troll. Cute.

  • No, you aren't cute. You are a pest.


  • jfogel (3/15/2013)

    No, you aren't cute. You are a pest.

    You know, I consider myself a professional so I won't lower myself to your level and engage you name calling. Have a nice day.

  • Yes the use of "whatever" and "cute" show your true professionalism.


  • jfogel (3/15/2013)

    Yes the use of "whatever" and "cute" show your true professionalism.

    Same things I would have said to you in person.

    I'm not the one calling someone else names around here.

  • And I will say them to you as well. Do you think I find you intimidating in some way? I promise I do not.


  • I think we got off track in an area Steve said to avoid. He specifically said to

    "Please avoid political or socials issues and stick to something in technology that's you have altered your standing on. And if you haven't changed your mind on anything, perhaps that's something to think about as well."


  • jfogel (3/15/2013)

    And I will say them to you as well. Do you think I find you intimidating in some way? I promise I do not.

    I am not intimidated by you nor am I trying to intimidate you. I feel sorry for the people that have to work with or for you if feel in any way justified to resort to name calling in a professional environment, online or in person.

    Some would call that creating a hostile work environment (having just gone through our company's annual training).

  • You can't control yourself can you? If you are so professional, why are you bickering on a message board? You keep talking about how professional you are but you just can't stop coming back for another bite. Perhaps you should read a manual about how to walk away?


  • Lynn Pettis (3/15/2013)

    jfogel (3/15/2013)

    Yes the use of "whatever" and "cute" show your true professionalism.

    Same things I would have said to you in person.

    I'm not the one calling someone else names around here.

    I'm with Lynn on this one. Steve asked to keep it focused on technology and Lynn stepped up to the plate. No good deed goes unpunished.

  • cdonlan 18448 (3/15/2013)

    Lynn Pettis (3/15/2013)

    jfogel (3/15/2013)

    Yes the use of "whatever" and "cute" show your true professionalism.

    Same things I would have said to you in person.

    I'm not the one calling someone else names around here.

    I'm with Lynn on this one. Steve asked to keep it focused on technology and Lynn stepped up to the plate. No good deed goes unpunished.


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