Increase size of HD.....

  • Hello friends!!!

    Can any body guide me regarding my interest....Actually I want to know about how to incease the size of the we are facing problem regarding space on there any way to increase the size of HD so that we will happy to see extra maginable space on HD....right now we have space on E drive is total 95 GB....and we are short of some 10 to 13 to increase that space on drive E....I have sql server 2000 EM on windows 2003 server installed....Is there any setting while configuring HD that we will use suppose if we allocate size for drive is 100 GB then out of that use 80 GB if space reqired then use remaining 20 GB with out disturbing more thing if i want to know @ which RAID are using then how i will get that information



  • I don't really understand what you are asking. Disk information is available via disk manager in the o/s. You can only add disk space if you have available free disks. To increase your disk capacity add more disks/drives.

    You can add additional datafiles to your sql server, or migrate existing mdf/ldf to new drives as reqd. All of this should be carefully controlled and you should backup first. Not really something to do with a live production system.

    To see the raid consult the builder of your server and/or the hardware configs of the raid.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • Hi!

    Actually I m here as just maintenance of DB...... main working of DB is going on client side...yesterday what i observed disk space was just 6 or 7 GB (E: drive was total size 95) free ..then we noticed about it to our client....and today when i saw disk space free 25 to 28 GB!!(E: drive now total size 114 GB) with no mdf or ldf file size decresing or increasing..

    thats why i am asking...what is the approach to do that...



  • It sounds to me like the client was using the additional storage on their data drive to store other data.  I have seen this a number of times where, since they see an available 20 GB, they figure they can get away with using that storage for some other non SQL Server purposes.  It sounds like your client wised up and removed whatever they were keeping there after you pointed it out to them. 

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • From windows, you can expand a volume if you have more space on disk.

    I've done this sometimes when we need more space, but I have the data on a SAN. What I do is to increase the disk size from the SAN and then in windows I expand the disk to use the new space.

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