incremental load from oracle source..

  • hi,

    i have few oracle tables.... from there i have to popualte sql

    server table based upon last_update_key

    the problem is how to pass the "last_update key " that is caliculated

    from sqlserver (destination) to oledb sorce query so that the

    filtering will happen there at source (orale).

    i tried by assigning last_update_date value to variable through

    executeSqlTask and


    i used fallowing query in oledb query

    "select * from AP_INVOICES_ALL where LAST_UPDATE_DATE>?"

    it is not working

    throwing fallowing error :[SSIS.Pipeline] Error: component "OLE DB Source" (1) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202009.


    'MSDAORA.1' failed with no error message available, result code: DB_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL(0x80040E10). (System.Data)

    there is bunch of errors

    use of sql command from variable method also throws errors

    how to handle the situation

  • skanth (10/21/2011)

    there is bunch of errors

    use of sql command from variable method also throws errors

    how to handle the situation


    Oracle sources are a little tricky to work with sometimes, because data types aren't always compatible. I would suggest a few things:

    1. Set the "DelayValidation" property of the Oracle source to "True". This will ensure that SSIS doesn't try to validate the Oracle query in the pre-validation phase (and before the value of the variable has been set).

    2. Build the query with an expression, as opposed to your method above. Using an expression give you a little more visibility into the query that will actually be executed on the source, because you can preview it in the designer as well as copy/paste to run the query in Oracle client tools to validate.

    3. I would also suggest that your local variable in the package for the date is set to String...then you wouldn't have to cast it. Unless you want to use it for other things.

    3. Lastly, ensure that the format of the date is correct.

    Hope this helps.


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