Incremental SUM

  • Hi, working on a stored procedure query:

    Suppose you have a table as follows:

    count | margin


    1 5

    4 10

    3 15

    8 20

    And you want to extract the data, with count field representing the sum of counts up to each slice:

    count | margin


    1 5

    5 10

    8 15

    16 20

    I cannot use #temp tables for other reasons. Anyone may have an idea how to perform the above transformation.

  • Assuming your column 'margin' is always sorted ascending, this might work

    create table #t( f1 int primary key, c INT)
    insert #t values(1, 5)
    insert #t values(4, 10)
    insert #t values(3, 15)
    insert #t values(8, 20)
    select * from #t
    select (select SUM(f1) from #t t1 where t1.c <= t2.c) AS uniq, t2.c
    from #t t2
    order by 2
    drop table #t

    I used a temp table only for 'demonstration purposes'



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Many Thanks,

    May I extend the problem a little (or to infinity?)

    This time suppose that values

    count | margin


    1 5

    4 10

    3 15

    8 20

    are not stored in a table, but are selected from an inner query such as:

    SELECT (some calculations) as count, (some more calculations) as margin

    FROM many joins

    WHERE many conditions

    An inner query which you would hardly wish to re-run when referencing the resultset as t1 and t2



  • Why can't you use temp tables?

    Also, if you are on SQL2K have you considered the table data type?


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • I am developing on Crystal Reports, which fails to identify resultset fields when #temp tables are used in storedprocedures.

    At the moment I am checking out the usage of the table data type.

    Many Thanks.



  • How about creating a table of possible margin values (counter in my case containing 1 to 100) then doing

    select sum([count]) as [count], c.number as margin 
    from (select (case when a.margin = b.number then 1 else 0 end) as match,
    from (your query...) as a
    cross join counter b
    ) c
    where c.margin <= c.number
    group by c.number
    having sum(c.match) > 0
    order by c.number

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • quote:

    I am developing on Crystal Reports, which fails to identify resultset fields when #temp tables are used in storedprocedures.

    Really? What version? We use Crystal for all our reporting needs and almost every single report is generated from temp tables...

  • Agrees with jpipes, we also use temp tables.

    Do you Crystal Smart Viewer or VB, etc.

  • If you are having problems with temp tables and Crystal Reports you could always create a stored procedure. Crystal should play nice with that.

  • Is a SET NOCOUNT ON required while processing the temp table?

    Helpdesk: Perhaps Im not the only one that does not know what you are doing. 😉

  • Why not use a running total in Crystal? The same amount of data will be returned to Crystal either way, and I doubt such a running total would cause a noticable performance degradation in Crystal.

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