Incrementing Counter - reset on "BY" Group

  • Hi All

    I've got the following:

    ID            Date

    1             10/10/06

    1             02/01/07

    2             10/11/04

    2             11/10/06

    2             12/12/06

    and I need to add in the "P_ID" column as below:

    ID   P_ID         Date

    1    1             10/10/06

    1    2             02/01/07

    2    1             10/11/04

    2    2             11/10/06

    2    3             12/12/06

    Any ideas? Needs to be done in SSIS - either a component (or combination of) or a script...



  • Ben

    I think the ROW_NUMBER function is exactly what you're looking for here.


  • Hi John

    I'd hoped that the Row Number component would do what I wanted, but I can't see how to "restart" the numbering each time you get into the next ID - it only appears to do a continual incrementation.

    I'm using Row Number to great effect in assigning the initial ID earlier on, but am having traumas getting something that restarts each time the "by group"  - the ID in this case - changes.



  • Ben

    Can you adapt this example from Books Online to work in your environment?


    USE AdventureWorks;
    SELECT c.FirstName, c.LastName
        ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER
        (PARTITION BY PostalCode ORDER BY SalesYTD DESC) AS 'Row Number'
        ,s.SalesYTD, a.PostalCodeFROM Sales.SalesPerson s 
        INNER JOIN Person.Contact c 
            ON s.SalesPersonID = c.ContactID
        INNER JOIN Person.Address a 
            ON a.AddressID = c.ContactID
    WHERE TerritoryID IS NOT NULL 
        AND SalesYTD <> 0;
  • Hi John

    Thanks for the response. It's an option I hadn't thought of - I was aiming to keep as much of the processing in the pipeline as possible, but this could be a good work around.



  • Answering my own posts now...

    I've ended up writing a script as follows:

    Public Class ScriptMain
    Inherits UserComponent
    Private NextKey As Int32 = 0
    Private LastID As Int32 = 0
    Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
    If LastID <> Row.nameid Then
    LastID = Row.nameid
    NextKey = 0
    End If
    Dim ChildCounter As Int32 = NextKey + 1
    NextKey = ChildCounter
    LastID = Row.nameid
    Row.ChildNumber = ChildCounter
    End Sub
    End Class

    It does what I need it to - found the inspiration at




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