Index sizes

  • Hi everyone,

    I want to find the list and size of the top 10 indexes in a database. Does anyone have a query that I can use? Thank you!

  • Actually, I had another query that showed the top 10 tables in a database (thanks to a poster on this board!). I changed that and now I am getting the top 10 indexes. Is this query correct?

    SELECT top 10 used AS "# of Pages", rows AS "# of Rows", (used * 8) / 1024 AS "# of MB",

    name as IndexName, object_name(id) AS TableName

    FROM sysindexes WHERE indid >= 2 and indid <= 250

    order by used DESC

    And one more question, how can I find out which columns of the tables the index is for? Thanks in advance for your help.

  • sp_helpindexes

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