Index sizes . . .

  • Hi, I am confused about index sizes and how best to get visability of them. So I have ran -

    DBCC SHOWCONTIG (STK_LOCATION2) WITH ALL_INDEXES, TABLERESULTS and get back various columns. How do those equate back to the total indexes size shown in the disk usage report.

    IndexName Id Pages Rows Ave Record Size

    LOC_PRIMARY2_PK 1 0 406450 5921673 385 570 400.448

    IXPERF_16 2 0 36019 5921673 25 54 32.565

    LOC_CONCATCODE2 3 0 31871 5921673 21 50 28.565

    LOC_SOPINDEX 4 0 27131 5921673 20 41 24.039

    The reason I am confused is the top index showed the index usage at 7mb then applying the other 3 makes it 770mb

  • This is a great script I borrowed from Jeff Moden that should make things a lot clearer:

    --===== "Space Used on Steroids"

    -- If "UnusedKB" is negative, it's likely you need to run DBCC UpdateUsage on the table.

    -- If the RowModCtr is high (contains number of rows inserted/updated/deleted sinse last stats update)

    -- you might want to run UPDATE STATISICS on those tables.

    -- Jeff Moden

    ;WITH SpaceUsed AS (

    SELECT DBName = DB_NAME(),

    Owner = USER_NAME(so.UID),

    TableName = so.Name,

    TableID = so.ID,

    MinRowSize = MIN(si.MinLen),

    MaxRowSize = MAX(si.XMaxLen),

    ReservedKB = SUM(CASE WHEN si.IndID IN (0,1,255) THEN si.Reserved ELSE 0 END) * pkb.PageKB,

    DataKB = SUM(CASE WHEN si.IndID IN (0,1 ) THEN si.DPages ELSE 0 END) * pkb.PageKB

    + SUM(CASE WHEN si.IndID IN ( 255) THEN ISNULL(si.Used,0) ELSE 0 END) * pkb.PageKB,

    IndexKB = SUM(CASE WHEN si.IndID IN (0,1,255) THEN si.Used ELSE 0 END) * pkb.PageKB

    - SUM(CASE WHEN si.IndID IN (0,1 ) THEN si.DPages ELSE 0 END) * pkb.PageKB

    - SUM(CASE WHEN si.IndID IN ( 255) THEN ISNULL(si.Used,0) ELSE 0 END) * pkb.PageKB,

    UnusedKB = SUM(CASE WHEN si.IndID IN (0,1,255) THEN si.Reserved ELSE 0 END) * pkb.PageKB

    - SUM(CASE WHEN si.IndID IN (0,1,255) THEN si.Used ELSE 0 END) * pkb.PageKB,

    Rows = SUM(CASE WHEN si.IndID IN (0,1 ) THEN si.Rows ELSE 0 END),

    RowModCtr = MIN(si.RowModCtr),

    HasTextImage = MAX(CASE WHEN si.IndID IN ( 255) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),

    HasClustered = MAX(CASE WHEN si.IndID IN ( 1 ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)

    FROM dbo.SysObjects so,

    dbo.SysIndexes si,


    SELECT Low/1024 AS PageKB --1024 is a binary Kilo-byte

    FROM Master.dbo.spt_Values

    WHERE Number = 1 --Identifies the primary row for the given type

    AND Type = 'E' --Identifies row for system type

    ) pkb

    WHERE si.ID = so.ID

    AND si.IndID IN (0, --Table w/o Text or Image Data


    255) --Table w/ Text or Image Data

    AND so.XType = 'U' --User Tables


    GROUP BY so.Name,




    HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN si.IndID IN (0,1 ) THEN si.Rows ELSE 0 END) > 100


    SELECT DBName,

    Owner = ISNULL(Owner,'dbo'),

    Schema_Name = OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(TableID),


    ObjectName = QUOTENAME(DB_NAME()) + '.' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(TableID)) + '.' + QUOTENAME(TableName),












    FROM SpaceUsed AS SU


    Hope this helps,


    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thanks for your reply however I want to see how much physical space in KB each index takes up.

  • Paul Farnell (10/13/2010)

    Thanks for your reply however I want to see how much physical space in KB each index takes up.

    Paul one of the output columns is [IndexKB] in the script Gianluca provided, which is probably the sum of the space for ALL indexes on the need the same info, but on a per-index , not per-table?


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • This should do:

    SELECT DBName = DB_NAME(),

    Owner = USER_NAME(so.UID),

    TableName = so.Name,

    TableID = so.ID,

    IndId = si.indid,

    IndName =,

    MinRowSize = si.MinLen,

    MaxRowSize = si.XMaxLen,

    ReservedKB = si.Reserved * pkb.PageKB,

    DataKB = si.DPages * pkb.PageKB + ISNULL(si.Used, 0) * pkb.PageKB,

    IndexKB = si.Used * pkb.PageKB - si.DPages * pkb.PageKB,

    UnusedKB = si.Reserved * pkb.PageKB - si.Used * pkb.PageKB,

    Rows = si.Rows,

    RowModCtr = si.RowModCtr

    FROM dbo.SysObjects so,

    dbo.SysIndexes si,

    (SELECT Low / 1024 AS PageKB --1024 is a binary Kilo-byte

    FROM Master.dbo.spt_Values

    WHERE Number = 1 --Identifies the primary row for the given type

    AND Type = 'E' --Identifies row for system type

    ) pkb

    WHERE si.ID = so.ID

    --AND si.IndID IN (0, --Table w/o Text or Image Data

    -- 1,

    -- 255) --Table w/ Text or Image Data

    AND so.XType = 'U' --User Tables


    AND maxirow IS NOT NULL

    AND = OBJECT_ID('youTableNameGoesHere')

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • i have this saved, which uses the old sysindexes view;

    i have not updated it to use sys.indexes and whatever sys view has some index details; this might help:

    SELECT object_name(id) as ObjectName

    , indid as index_id

    , name AS index_name

    , STATS_DATE(id, indid) AS statistics_update_date



    ,used * 1024.0 As UsedKB



    FROM sysindexes

    -- WHERE id = OBJECT_ID('myschema.mytable')

    order by ObjectName, Index_id;


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

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