index tuning wizard

  • hi guys,

    i'm still learning the ropes on sql server 2000, so bear with me...


    i'm busy writing a query on a table with 7 million records that joins to itself. this table had no indexes before i started writing the query, since it is a audit table and is not really used except for back-end querying every blue moon.


    i find myself using the index tuning wizard alot, and i was wondering if there is a way to call the itw and pass in the file name, table names, table rows etc. with transact sql?

  • Your using index tuning wizard on SQL2000.  All I can say is your brave!

    Personally I wouldn't touch it...As your new to SQL Server, I would seriously recommend reading up on indexes before allowing ITW to create any indexes.  Get a feel for what it is trying to do.

    As for the passing the information in via t-sql.  Never tried it personally, but I suppose you could do it with some dynamic sql code.  But this would mean using xp_cmdshell which I don't like using.  I'd remove this from our system if the dev team hadn't used it already

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