Index was outside the bounds of the array

  • This is for SSRS 2005.

    It's so weird.  After I added GroupName in my stored procedure SQL

    statement like this that my SSRS dataset runs:

    SELECT *, GroupName = 'Arizona' FROM mytable

    Then I added GroupName to my Chart, I started to get that.  Even if I

    delete that from my chart, I still get it.  I guess because it's still

    in my dataset, it doesn't like it but why?  All I did was add that

    GroupName as an extra field to my query for the dataset to bring in..I

    don't get why it doesn't like it.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • i have had exactly the same error in reporting services when adding a new field to the underlying stored proc (or query), then adding the new field to the existing dataset for the report.

    to solve the problem, try adding the new field to the report, saving the change then making a copy of the report and running the report copy. i suspect that Reporting Services is caching the report, and comparing the cached dataset fields to the newly altered dataset - but when the copied report is run, there is no cache available for comparison, so it runs ok. I am no expert, but this workaround solved the problem for me!

  • I have received this error after deleting multiple columns in a table. Then the area where the deleted columns were is still selected even though the columns are not there anymore. Closing and reopening the report resets the screen, and all is well. I understand this is not directly related to groups, but it might be worth investigating.

    Regarding groups, I encountered a problem where I deleted hid the group header and group footer of a group, then I could no longer edit the group information via the designer. I had to go into the code and delete the phantom group, then re-add it.

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