inexspensive database synch

  • I'm new to using SQL Server.

    I have a local (my PC) SQL Server database which I update from downloaded data I get from Internet sites. I then use MS Access to manipulate the data and then I need to update a copy of the database on a shared web hosting site. It takes me about 4 hours to copy the database bkp to the server via ftp and then I have to have the hosting company restore it.

    I would like an easier way to keep the data up to date. Is there an inexspensive tool or way to keep the local and host data in synch?



  • You can use merge replication for this, this way only the data changed will be copied back and this should be a lot faster. Also merge replication allows you to work disconnected from the master dataset and upload all the changes once you have a connection.

    though it may be a challenge to get a hosting company to implement this.

  • Thank You.

    How do I access "merge replication"?

    Is that a SQL command?

    Can I use Sql Server Management Studio?


  • You can use Management studio for this, expand the replication node and start a new publication.

    though this can be quite a complex topic, esp. when you run into issues with ID columns and handling conflicts. It may be an idea to read BOL's topics on replication and decide on the best strategy for your organisation..

  • What I'm really looking for is a utility that does what "Beyond Compare" does for PC files. $20

    I'm trying "MS SQL Server Copy Tables to Another SM SQL Database" Sobolsoft software. It works to copy tables, but it replaces the whole table and doesn't replicate at the record level.

    I see that Red-Gate has a tool, but it cost $3xx.

    Is there something between the two?



  • There a few apps out there that you can use, I use Red-Gate, but you may find most of them are similarly priced.

    To simply copy the tables you could use SSIS which comes free with SQL Server 2005, you can also schedule the SSIS packages to run as a job so the process can be automated.

    Aside from this, you could add the server as a linked server and write some INSERT statements to transfer the data.

  • You might want to try tablediff. It is a SQL Server utility used to support replication. In a default install you should be able to find it at: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\COM\tablediff.exe

    You can run it from the command line or create a batch file to compare tables between two databases. It can then generate script files with the insert/update/delete statements required to make the target database the same as the source.

    Then you can run the delta scripts against your hosted database instead of having to drop and restore the entire database.

  • Thanks for the advice.


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