Information Required regarding Monitoring SQL Server 2005

  • Hello everyone,

    I am looking for some documentation on Monitoring SQL Server 2005. I have a Ms Press Book titled as SQL Server 2005 Implementation and Maintenance. However, that book doesn't focus on to most of the DBA activities like Monitoring SQL Server or Performance Tuning of SQL Server. If anybody has some document on the same, kindly share it.

    Thanks for your help...


    Thanks & Regards,

  • For some basics for monitoring SQL Server 2005 you may visit my SQL Server blog (DBDigger)

    DBDigger Microsoft Data Platform Consultancy.

  • try SQL Performance Dashboard, this gives you a overall picture of your server, and ways to improve performance 🙂

  • Sudeepta (11/6/2008)

    Hello everyone,

    I am looking for some documentation on Monitoring SQL Server 2005. I have a Ms Press Book titled as SQL Server 2005 Implementation and Maintenance. However, that book doesn't focus on to most of the DBA activities like Monitoring SQL Server or Performance Tuning of SQL Server. If anybody has some document on the same, kindly share it.

    Thanks for your help...


    Go for "Inside SQL server 2005 Query Tuning and Optimization" by Kalen one to start wid.........


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