INITCOLV''s the parameter ''nickname'' is invalid

  • Going crazy,

    The error is as per the above subject line, for some reason after we instructed a client who had to restore their replicated database with 2 subscriptions, using the keep replication function, specific tables are now showing up with this error. has anyone encountered this after restoration of their databases that are replicated, we have tracked it to the triggers for the table and occurs on update insert and delete

    any help much appreciated



    Life is far too important to be taken seriously

  • Further to this ,

    sp_msGetReplnick seems to be involved with this and returns null, which seems to be the cause of the error, im trying to find out where this sp is located so we can look at what its trying to access, but BOL and google return nothing about it.


    Life is far too important to be taken seriously

  • Ok we found where the sp is its in master db..the initial error is still valid

    Life is far too important to be taken seriously

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