Insert data problem

  • Hi all,

    I inserted 35,000 records into a table and created a locking in that table.  Is there anyway to overcome this.


    Minh Vu

  • My goal is to add an identity field so that I instruct my query to insert 1000 record at a time, but I don't know how. Please rescue me.


    Minh Vu

  • No offense but inserting only 35k records shouldn't take long. How large is the table?

    How many indexes are there on the table?

    What's the Primary/key, clustered index?

    How long does it take to do the select?

  • Remi not only do you type answers to questions faster than I do but you type questions to questons faster than I do.


  • Yup .

    And I just thaught of a few more :

    How many relations do you have on that tables?

    Do you have insert triggers?

    Do you have a lot of check/default constraints?

    What are the specs of the server?

    Is tempdb big enough?

    Is the target db big enough (autogrow problems)?

  • I don't have any relations on the tables, no insert triggers eithere. My server is good enough.  The think is I insert data from a link server.

    insert into [].ed.dbo.product_inventory

    select * from tmp_product_inventory.

    I tried to add id field in my tmp_table  and write a loop to insert 500 records at a time.  When I insert 500 records at a time, it did not create a lock. Please show me how to write a loop.


    select *, identity(int,1,1) into mytemp from tmp_product_inventory

    declare @id

    set@id =1

    While @id<>0


    set @id =@id+500

    insert into [].ed.dbo.product_inventory


    But it did not work.



  • Just go to the linked server and do the insert from there... It's gonna be faster that way... and won't take a loop.

  • I really like to know to do the looping.  Can you give me an example?

  • Sorry for the delay :

    DECLARE @Demo table (RowID int not null identity (1,1) primary key clustered, name varchar(10) not null)

    Insert into @Demo (Name)

    Select 'cats'


    Select 'dogs'


    Select 'birds'


    Select 'chimps'


    Select 'zebras'

    Select * from @Demo

    DECLARE @LastID as int

    DECLARE @CurID as int

    DECLARE @Name as varchar(10)

    SET @LastID = 0

    SELECT TOP 1 @CurID = RowID, @Name = Name from @Demo order by RowID



    SET @LastID = @CurID

    SET @CurID = NULL

    PRINT @Name

    SELECT TOP 1 @CurID = RowID, @Name = Name from @Demo where RowID > @LastID order by RowID


  • Several things wrong with your SQL:

    select *, identity(int,1,1) AS ID into mytemp from tmp_product_inventory

    declare @id INT

    set@id =0

    While @id<= (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM mytemp)


    set @id =@id+500

    insert into [].ed.dbo.product_inventory

    select col1, col2, ... from mytemp

       where id > @id - 500 and id <= @id



    Really, if you do it from the destination server it should be faster.  Or, I'd use DTS which would do a bulk insert.


    Dylan Peters
    SQL Server DBA

  • Thanx for the x rows at the time version... didn't want to write a 2nd versions .

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