INSERT failed because the following set options have incorrect settings : "ARITHABORT "

  • What can be the reason for this error: INSERT failed because the following set options have incorrect settings : "ARITHABORT "

    this comes while performing export the data thru Enterprise manager. I tried Set ARITHABORT On/OFF option

    thanks in advance





  • Whats the value of this option in the source and destination db..This needs to be same. If both these dbs are the same...then u can ignore this point.

    Are you doing any calculation during the export, or simply exporting...Check also the data type of the source and destination fields! This occurs when there is a Overflow/Divide-by-zero.



  • if every thing in your calculation is okay .. and you are sure that there is no Overflow/Divide-by-zero error ... then restart your server ... the same error happened to me and a restart solve it .. and the insert is okay.

    Alamir Mohamed

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