Insert into Table

  • I have the following code which is essentially inserting into a on column table. It goes thru a loop and then inserts some records after the loop. My problem is that the records inserted after the loop is finished do not always get inserted at the end of the table as you would expect. They do sometimes but not every time.  THe table is dropped and recreated everytime. There are no keys and no indexes.  I'm simply trying to created a customized structure for exporting using bcp to an xml document.  What is really blowing my mind is the records not appearing in the order I expect.


    Here is the code

    use hqcontrol

    if exists (select * from hqcontrol.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'hqcontrol.[dbo].[xmloutput]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsTable') = 1)


       print 'Table Exists'

       drop table hqcontrol.[dbo].[xmloutput]




       print 'Table Does not exits'



    create table hqcontrol.[dbo].[xmloutput]

    (  xmlLine varchar(1000)



    use tagcom

    declare @counter int, @dept varchar(3),@deptDesc varchar(36),@catDesc varchar(36)

    declare @noCats int, @catid varchar(6),@subcat varchar(4),@upc varchar(13)

    declare @mastDept varchar(3), @mastCat varchar(6),@mastsubcat varchar(4)

    select distinct ct.category,im.store_pos_department,ct.description as catDesc,sd.description as DeptDesc,upc_ean as upc

    into #tmpcats from item_master im

    join category ct on ct.category = im.category

    left outer join store_department sd on sd.store_pos_department = im.store_pos_department

    where ct.kss_flag = 1 and ct.record_status <> 3

     order by 1,2,5

    select distinct substring(store_pos_department,2,2) as Dept,substring(isnull(store_pos_department,'000'),2,2) + substring(category,1,4) as Categoryid,substring(category,5,4) as subCategoryId,catdesc,deptdesc,upc

    into #catsinter from #tmpcats

    select identity(int,1,1) as rowid, Dept,categoryid,subcategoryid,upc,catdesc,deptdesc

    into #cats from #catsinter

    set @noCats = @@rowcount

    select @mastdept = ''

    select @mastcat = ''

    set @mastsubcat = ''

    insert into hqcontrol.dbo.XmlOutput SELECT

    '<ImportData xmlns="">'

    insert into hqcontrol.dbo.XmlOutput   SELECT

    ' <Summary userName="Some Company"  description="Product List" creationTime="' + convert(varchar(30),getdate()) + '">'

    insert into hqcontrol.dbo.XmlOutput   SELECT

    ' </Summary>'

    set @counter = 1

    while @counter <= @nocats


       select @dept = dept, @deptDesc = rtrim(ltrim(deptDesc)),@catid = categoryid,@subcat = subcategoryid,@catdesc = rtrim(ltrim(catDesc)),@upc = upc from #cats where rowid = @counter

       if @mastsubcat <> @subcat and @mastsubcat <> ''


             insert into hqcontrol.dbo.XmlOutput select   '      </SubCategory>'




          if (@mastsubcat = @subcat and @mastsubcat <> '') and (@mastcat <> @catid and @mastcat <> '')


               insert into hqcontrol.dbo.XmlOutput select   '      </SubCategory>'



       if @mastcat <> @catid and @mastcat <> ''


          insert into hqcontrol.dbo.XmlOutput select   '   </Category>'


       if @mastDept <> @dept and @mastDept <> ''


          insert into hqcontrol.dbo.xmloutput select '</Department>'


       if @mastDept <> @dept


          insert into hqcontrol.dbo.XmlOutput   SELECT

          '<Department Id="' + @dept + '" name="' + @DeptDesc + '">'

           set @mastDept = @dept


       if @mastCat <> @catid



          insert into hqcontrol.dbo.XmlOutput SELECT '   <Category Id="' + @catid + '">';

          insert into hqcontrol.dbo.XmlOutput SELECT '      <SubCategory Id="' + @subcat  + '" name="' + @catDesc + '">'

          set @mastCat = @catid

          set @mastsubcat = @subcat




          if @mastsubcat <> @subcat


             insert into hqcontrol.dbo.XmlOutput SELECT

             '      <SubCategory Id="' + @subcat  + '" name="' + @catDesc + '">'

             set @mastsubcat = @subcat



       insert into hqcontrol.dbo.XmlOutput select  '     <ProductSubCategory ProductId="' + @upc + '" />' 

       set @counter = @counter + 1


    --These lines don't always end up at the end of the table

    --and I think they should--Where am I going wrong on my


    insert into hqcontrol.dbo.XmlOutput select   '      </SubCategory>'

    insert into hqcontrol.dbo.XmlOutput select   '   </Category>'

    insert into hqcontrol.dbo.xmloutput select '</Department >'

    insert into hqcontrol.dbo.XmlOutput   SELECT '</PSImportData>'

  • There is no concept of row order in an SQL Table (SET). If you need them in certain order, add an order column and when you perform a select use that column in the order by!


    * Noel

  • You're expecting these rows to appear in a certain order simply by the way you're inserting them? If that's the case, in general, with a relational DB you can't make that assumption as the physical storage can be implemented in any manner so long as the SQL parses correctly and returns accurate results. Hence the use of the ORDER BY clause in order to sort the data upon query.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Tables in a relational database don't have any inherent order.  If you want the rows back in a particular order, you need to provide a column with data in it which can be used in an 'order by' clause when you retrieve the data.  In your case, it sounds like you need a sequence number (like an identity column) that will preserve the order you want. 

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Thanks for the input.

    I guess I knew that all along, I just didn't want to accept it. I'll try the identity thing. It just seems strange that I do get it in the correct order some of the time!

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