Insert query is too slow in one server and working fine in on another server of same configuration

  • Hi,

    I am facing strange issue with insert query.

    I have one server in which Insert query is too slow i.e. for inserting 29K rows in temporary table it is taking 20 seconds.

    But same query is taking 2 seconds in other server with same configuration.

    I have verified the Service Pack and other configuration and all are same.

    Please help me resolving the issue

    Thanks in Advance

    Nishant Shende

  • are there differences in what is running on the servers?? are all the indexes the same?? there is so much that can be going on here.

    please see this link for the best way to post performance problems

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  • Thanks for the reply...

    I am inserting data into temporary table so there is no question of indexes.

  • nishantshende-532951 (7/20/2012)

    Thanks for the reply...

    I am inserting data into temporary table so there is no question of indexes.

    But where is the data coming from? It is very likely that the problem is the select statement that is generating the data for your insert.

    At this point we have no details to work with.

    Here some guesses at what the issue MIGHT be:

    improper/missing indexes

    stale statistics

    scalar functions


    triangular joins

    recursive cte

    Before you reply back that it can't be any of those consider that we can't see your screen from here. Give us some details about what you are doing and there will be lots of people jumping in to help.


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  • nishantshende-532951 (7/20/2012)

    I have verified the Service Pack and other configuration and all are same.

    Nishant Shende

    When you say "other configuration" what are those?

    Execution plans are same in both the server?

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