Insert Speed

  • I'm running a DTS that on a daily basis takes 3 files.. 1 is used to delete records, 1 is used to update records and 1 is used to insert records.

    The update and delete files I bulk import into a database TEMPOR which is in simple recovery mode and then join against the main tables that are in a Full Recovery model database.

    The insert right now bulk imports directly into the fully logged database, right into the table.

    My question is, would I be better off importing the insert data into the TEMPOR db and then inserting from there into the main db, or leave it as it is?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Bulk insert will request a lot of space in transaction log when using Full Recovery method. If your server's hardrive is limited, better to move the insert files' bulk insert to TEMPOR.

    It is only suggestion. Every methods have their pro and con!


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