Insert Table based on a Result

  • Hai,

    I want to Insert into table based on a condition.

    There are 3 tables


    Create Table ContLeave (Startdate smalldatetime , Enddate smalldatetime)

    Insert Into ContLeave

    Select '2016-01-03' , '2016-01-03'

    Union All

    Select '2016-01-10' , '2016-01-10'

    Union All

    Select '2016-01-15' , '2016-01-17'

    Union All

    Select '2016-01-24' , '2016-01-24'

    Union All

    Select '2016-01-26' , '2016-01-26'

    (Result received from stephen hendricks)

    This table contains the leave days for given month


    Create Table Absentdata (Ecode varchar(12),Absentdate smalldatetime,LOP float)

    Insert Into Absentdata

    Select 'E1','2016/01/14',1

    Union All

    Select 'E1','2016/01/18',1

    Union All

    Select 'E1','2016/01/29',1

    Union All

    Select 'E3','2016/01/01',1

    Union All

    Select 'E3','2016/01/25',1

    Union All

    Select 'E3','2016/01/27',1

    Union All

    Select 'E6','2016/01/03',1

    Union All

    Select 'E8','2016/01/14',1

    Union All

    Select 'E9',2016/01/25',1

    This table contains the absentees data employeewise datewise

    Table in which data to be inserted


    Create Table C15LL (Ecode varchar(12),Absentdate smalldatetime)

    If the employee absents himself before and after a leave day, then all holidays has to inserted in C15LL

    Input data sample





    Thanks in advance



  • How about this?

    -- Using Common Table Expression (CTE) to get Ecode date ranges to process

    WITH EcodeDateRanges AS


    SELECT dayBefore.Ecode, cl.Startdate, cl.Enddate FROM dbo.Absentdata dayBefore

    JOIN dbo.ContLeave cl ON dayBefore.Absentdate = DATEADD(DAY,-1,cl.Startdate)

    JOIN dbo.Absentdata dayAfter ON cl.Enddate = DATEADD(DAY,-1,dayAfter.Absentdate)

    WHERE dayBefore.Ecode = dayAfter.Ecode


    -- Using a recursive CTE to get the individual dates covered by a range

    dateLists AS


    SELECT edr.Ecode, edr.Startdate AS AbsentDate, edr.Enddate

    FROM EcodeDateRanges edr


    SELECT dl.Ecode, DATEADD(DAY,1,dl.AbsentDate), dl.Enddate

    FROM dateLists dl

    WHERE DATEADD(DAY,1,dl.AbsentDate) <= dl.Enddate


    --INSERT dbo.C15LL ( Ecode, Absentdate )

    SELECT dl.Ecode, dl.AbsentDate FROM dateLists dl;

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best helpMake sure that you include code in the appropriate IFCode tags, e.g. <your code here>. You can find the IFCode tags under the INSERT options when you are writing a post.

  • Its perfect thanks a ton.

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