Insert the results of a stored procedure into a table

  • Hallo friends

    I am using the following method to insert the result of stored procedure into a table

    insert into <table name)

    exec  <stored procedure>

    This is functioning without any problem.   If the results are comming from a linked server, inserting is not working. The linked server is using inside the stored procedure.


    Any ideas







  • So, what kind of error do you get?

    Can you exec without the insert?

    Are you using the correct syntax?

    exec server.dbname.owner.procname

    I assume here that you are trying to do something like; INSERT mytable EXEC remoteserverProcedure.

    Is that correct?



  • Procedure give results without insert within 1 sec.

    But when I use this procedure with insert is not working.

    there is no error messages.  I have waited more than 30 minutes.  and nothing happend.


  • Can you provide your exact syntax for both attempts?

    Both when it succeeds and when it fails.

    If it fails.. You say you wait - Does the query come back or is it still running after 30 minutes?

    If the latter, then check for blocking on the remote server.



  • storedprocedure

      Create procedure test_insert

      as  select  title_id  from mylinedserver.pubs.dbo.titles

    exec test_insert         is working


    create table #tmp

    (title_id varchar(15))

    insert into #tmp

    exec test_insert                     is not working



  • And you are still positive that you recieve no messages at all?

    I must ask you if the query completes at all? If it does then you should recieve something in return.

    Have you tried it with a permanent table instead? Or try to specify the column name in the insert.

    Have no linked server I can try it on for the moment, sorry.



  • Try setting SET NOCOUNT OFF in the stored procedure. I have had sp's return nothing because I did not set nocount to off.


  • This will only work with OPENQUERY. I spent a lot of time on it. Use OPENQUERY to get the results from your remote server

    Hope that helps....

  • This thread is 14 months old ... chances are they have the answer by now

  • Better late than never... It was the answer I was looking for...

    --Jeff Moden

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