Insert without a PK

  • Louis Hillebrand (6/10/2015)

    After running the first script the table has 2 indexes, A unique non-clustered on SalesId (PRIMARY KEY) and a clustered on SalesId.

    The first insert inserts one row, the second fail on the PK index.

    As all the answers are not totally correct, I took what looked to me as the most correct (the second insert produces a PK violation).

    My 2 points please...


    (SQL-Version : 2008 R2)

    Same here. It was hard to understand why indexes are disabled according to the question.

  • I wanted to have all green checks in my QOTD list and now I've got a red cross!

  • The question was wrong. My answer was most nearly correct (one row inserted, one row failed with error).

  • The deployment of this QoTD should have been automated so what worked in test would have worked in production πŸ™‚

  • Mauricio_ (6/10/2015)

    I wanted to have all green checks in my QOTD list and now I've got a red cross!

    You will get used to this πŸ˜›

  • Now we all agree that the 1st row will be inserted & there is absolutely nothing in the code will disable the indexes, so the next question is: "When we will get our points back?!" πŸ˜‰

  • Hany Helmy (6/10/2015)

    Now we all agree that the 1st row will be inserted & there is absolutely nothing in the code will disable the indexes, so the next question is: "When we will get our points back?!" πŸ˜‰

    One of these days (Pink Floyd)

  • CREATE TABLE SalesArchive



    , SalesPersonID INT

    , SaleDate DATETIME2

    , SaleTotal NUMERIC(12, 4)



    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX SalesArchive_CI_SalesPersonID ON dbo.SalesArchive(SalesPersonID) ;


    Yep: qustion definitely needs adjusting:

    INSERT dbo.SalesArchive

    ( Salesid

    , SalesPersonID

    , SaleDate

    , SaleTotal



    ( 1, 1, GETDATE(), 25.10 );

    INSERT dbo.SalesArchive

    ( Salesid

    , SalesPersonID

    , SaleDate

    , SaleTotal


    VALUES ( 1, 1, GETDATE(), 25.12 );


    Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 20

    Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__SalesArc__C953FF0B10B89DF3'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.SalesArchive'. The duplicate key value is (1).

    The statement has been terminated.

  • I didn't see a correct answer. The table is created with PK, which implies an index. A CLUSTERED index is created. Both indexes are active. The first insert works (why wouldn't it?). The second insert fails because of duplicate key error on PK.

    When I didn't see a correct answer, I looked at T-SQL reference; no help. Then I actually ran the code. It works as I described above. Table with two live indexes, and one row gets inserted. Is this version dependent? I'm on 2008 R2.

  • I didn't see the disable command either, so I had to run it and answer based on behavior. Like everyone else, it was wrong because the question was incomplete.

  • Hi Steve,

    I know we can't violate the primary key, but I ran this script in SQL Server and SQL Server SP2 2012 2014 SP1 and the first insert was successfully processed, the second coming on primary key violation error.

    I believe that the correct answer is the alternative 2.

  • Not sure if this set of code behaves same in all of the 2005+ versions.. Steve has to confirm what went wrong!!!! πŸ˜€

    My points please!!! :hehe:

    ______________________________________________________________Every Problem has a Solution; Every Solution has a Problem: πŸ™‚

  • Yeah, I did it. I figured out the author's intent instead of the proper literal interpretation of the question.

    I guess it helps that this is a follow-up to a question from 2 days again.

  • Agree!

    i don't see how this exercise have any concern with the answer. :unsure:

  • I too did not see a statement to disable the index, and did not see a correct answer. I just chose one so I could see the results and discussion :satisfied:

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