insert XML data into MS SQL 2000

  • Hello community,

    I am kind of hopeless, because I am looking for a solution for this problem for a few days already without any success...

    The problem:

    I have an XML file on my hard drive and want to read its value and save it in a table on a db ms sql 2000. I think it is not possible to save the whole file there but that'd be enough if I just could read the value of each node.

    Here is a small example of my file:








    So here I'd need the values: ALFKI, 3, 07/3/2004 and so on...

    I'd be very gratefull for any advice!

  • You can use the openxml function. Below is a code that works with some explanations, but I suggest that you’ll read about in BOL (Books On Line).

    declare @xml varchar(500)

    declare @handle int

    set @xml =








    --Parsing the XML and storing the handle

    --of the memory structure that stores the parsed XML

    --in @handle varible

    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @handle OUTPUT, @xml

    --Using the function openxml. Since this is a plain

    --xml, I could use the thired parameter in the openxml

    --function instead of describing for each tag it's position

    --in the XML and if it is an attribute or element.

    select *

    from openxml (@handle, '/Order', 2) with

    (CustomerID varchar(10),

    EmployeeID smallint,

    OrderDate varchar(10),

    RequiredDate varchar(10),

    ShippedDate varchar(10))

    --Cleaning the memory from the parsed xml.

    --It is very important to clean it. If you

    --won't do it, it will be cleaned only when you

    --close the connection to the server

    EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @handle


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  • And though you cannot declare a variable longer than 8000 characters in SQL2000 you still can declare a SP parameter with type "text" ot "ntext".

    Then you can pass the whole file (if it's less than 2GB) to that procedure as a parameter and parse it there using the code from Adi.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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