installation error

  • i have a active/passive 2005 standard setup and I am trying to install additional components. When i run the setup it fails installing the support files with an error of

    This patch package could not be opened. Verify that the patch package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer patch package.

    i have looked through the log file (which i have also attached) and some of the files it is looking for exist and some dont.

    If anybody can shed some light on what is the problem that would be great. thanks.

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  • It seems that you were applying patch from a remote site. There are two possibilities causing the error.

    1. You do not have authority to access the remote site;

    2. The server patch does not exist there.

  • I am trying to install additional components from the sql server 2005 cd locally on the box. I am logged in with a user that has admin right to the box (both active and passive boxes).

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  • Not being a Microsoft support rep, and looking at that log file, my educated guess would be either

    1. Windows Installer is messed up and needs to be reinstalled.

    You can try to re-install windows installer from here...

    2. Your administrative shares are disabled.

    Sometimes people disable the admin shares for the drives. Sometimes they don't re-establish during a cluster group fail-over. Whatever the case may be, make sure the following registry key is enabled on both nodes.


    Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanManServer\Parameters

    Name: AutoShareServer

    Data Type: REG_DWORD

    Value: 1

    Other than that, you can try to move the cluster group to the other node and try the intallation from there...

  • Did you run your program from your active node?

    Your program should be on your active node or your shared drive in a cluster.

  • The admin share are enabled on both the active and passive node. I did run the installer from the active node. I will attempt to move cluster group to other node and see if the install work from there but am not hopeful of results as it seems the installer is looking for files that do not exists on either node. ie. C:\WINDOWS\Installer\12c1b809.msp.

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  • I have solved my problem. After further investigation I found that the windows installer setting in the registry were not correct. I was missing keys for sql server 2005 sp2 on the active node (the node I was having trouble with) even though SP2 was installed on the server. When I moved cluster group i was able to run installer but if was to move back I still could not run the setup CD because it was looking for the sql setup support files from SP2 which did not exist on that node(i think The setup only installed the support files on the node that the SP installation was run from). I was able to run the SP installation on the faulty node and i just installed the sql setup support files. I was then able to run setup CD. Thanks for all who help and pointed me in right direction.

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