Installation Problem: 'Failed to retrieve ssl certificate name'

  • I read that the error message I stated in the subject line was related to SelfSSL vertificates, so I removed those.

    But I still get this error message. Not much help appears to be available when I search.

    What's this problem about?


    ~ Timing is everything

  • Hi..

    Do you have the IIS installed and using SSL certificate??

    Delete the certificate and try installing once again..


  • Thank you, Shree,

    IIS and SSL certificate, yes.

    Before I do that, I was able to install the engine and workstation components. Don't know why, but if I exclude Analysis and Reporting Services from the installation, I can get the engine to install.

    Why is that?

    I need to try installing IIS & cert later. Need to get back to dev right now.

    More later...

    Thanks again.

    ~ Timing is everything

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