Installing 2K8 R2 Development Not going through

  • :w00t: :hehe:

    Trying to install SQL 2K8 R2 Development in my laptop, but wizard doesn't go further that the rules due to a SQL 2005 Tools installed.

    I uninstall all I had before starting and this is referring to SQL Server 2005 Express, which I do not use for anything anywhere (pain in the butt, yes is free but it doesn't have what I need to do... FREE? a headache more or less)

    Back to the issue, I run the installation wizard and got to the Installation Rules screen and it does not allow me to go further due to SQL 2005 Express Tools I don't have. Any suggestions? Greatly appreciated.

    Other thing I noticed is at the very beginning when it does the configuration checks to see if the framework version is the right one. I have 4.0, but it didn't allow me to continue until I installed 3.5 SP1??? What??? A bug on install??

    Thanks again, in advance, for all your input in this matter !!!!!! :hehe: :w00t:

  • Just run the report to check any SQL realted products (see below) and got none, lost here. Suggestions? I reboot my laptop to make sure the uninstall went properly. I use Red-Gate ToolBelt, is that what the wizard is identifying as 2005 Express tools? If so, what a pain. Thank you

    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup Discovery Report

    Product Instance Instance ID Feature Language Edition Version Clustered

    None None None None None None None None

    :w00t: :hehe:

  • 😀 🙂 😎

    Found the solution!!!

    During the uninstall the registry kept a refrence to 90. I deleted teh key(after I bakced up the registry, of course!!! LOL)

    After that was done, all went well again. Thank you anyway if you read this, here is the reference in case you guys need it. Thank you

    Executing rules engine...

    2010-07-08 11:34:08 Slp: Start rule execution, total number of rules loaded: 24

    2010-07-08 11:34:08 Slp: Initializing rule : SQL Server 2005 Express tools

    2010-07-08 11:34:08 Slp: Rule applied features : SSMS;Adv_SSMS

    2010-07-08 11:34:08 Slp: Rule is will be executed : True

    2010-07-08 11:34:08 Slp: Init rule target object: Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SetupExtension.Sql2005SsmsExpressFacet

    2010-07-08 11:34:08 Slp: Sco: Attempting to create base registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, machine

    2010-07-08 11:34:08 Slp: Sco: Attempting to open registry subkey

    2010-07-08 11:34:08 Slp: Sco: Attempting to open registry subkey SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\ShellSEM

    2010-07-08 11:34:08 Slp: Rule 'Sql2005SsmsExpressFacet' detection result: SQL 2005 Ssms EE installed=True

    2010-07-08 11:34:08 Slp: Evaluating rule : Sql2005SsmsExpressFacet

    2010-07-08 11:34:08 Slp: Rule running on machine: BKMAL-BPR67G1

    2010-07-08 11:34:08 Slp: Rule evaluation done : Failed

    :hehe: 😎 :w00t:

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