Installing reporting services

  • Hi All

    im looking at installing report services and im looking for info that may hopefully help me

    i want to install report services on an iis box  but have the database on a seperate server..


    does anyone know of any resources or notes that maybe of help so i can achieve this....



    tricks  would be great


    cheerss all



    Kindest Regards,

    Todd,non est vivere sed valere vita est

  • I had no problems doing exactly that with SQL2K5.  When you're creating the configuration databases, just select the appropriate database server.  When running reports, you have full control over which databases (including which serves) you are running against by configuring the connection string.

  • thanks for that

     there seems to be a lack of knowledge or information out there about this topc. ive looked and asked questions but yet im still searching, i have tried installing  this congiuration on a test network and servers, but it takes alot of configuration, when you look at MS sql server install it is recommended for security reason that IIS is not installed and a bunch of other services. yet when it comes to MS Sql server , reporting services, it wants to install allthat MS recommends not to. there in lays the problem, (i hope sql2k5 is better and this has been addressed).

    basically all i want my database servers (sql) to do is serv data, and my web server (iis) to server web pages and web based apps calling data from database servers.

    even MS recommends this, and yet builds a product that breaks all the rules (go figure:blink

    so if there is anyone that has any information about how to configure this with reporting services please help.

     Other wise im going to do it, somehow and publish a white paper on it..( hahaha yeah bloody likely NOT! :w00t 

    any help would be great

     and Bill if you or anyone from your organisation is listening, get one of them that developed this thing to email me the directions and make life a hell of a lot easier so we can all use your superior products , onya mate





    Kindest Regards,

    Todd,non est vivere sed valere vita est

  •  I don't know if this helps, but my email admin installed CRM, Reporting Services, enabled IIS and MS SQL Server 2000 backend all on one Server..  not a good idea.!!!!  

    I wanted to move the SQL Server backend to another Server so I backed up my SQL Server DBs, scripted out the CRM and Reporting Services jobs that get created during install and then disabled MS SQL Server on the CRM box.   I installed a SQL Server 2000 named instance on another server and restore my crm and RS databases - although MS says that they do not support sql server backend for crm and reporting services on a named instance - I found this link:

    Repointing CRM to the new backend SQL Server Instance was the easy part, i just created a new odbc connection in CRM to the remote DB server and used the deployment manager to repoint to the new Backend Server.  Reporting Services was more of a challenge

    Take a look at this link...

    To move a SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services database to another computer and to make Reporting Services point to that database, follow these steps:


    Back up the Reporting Services database and the Reporting Services temporary database on the source computer.

    Note By default, the name of the Reporting Services database is ReportServer, and the name of the Reporting Services temporary database is ReportServerTempDB.


    Restore the databases that you backed up in step 1 on the appropriate instance of SQL Server on the destination computer.


    To make Reporting Services point to the database that you restored in step 2, run the following command at a command prompt on the computer that is configured as the report server:

    RSConfig -c -s Server name -d Reporting Services database name -a Sql|Windows -u User name -p User password


    I then used the above mentioned link (   and made the necessary REGISTRY changes to make Reporting Services work to a named instance on another Server.

    As for all of the scheduled jobs, I just used Enterprise Mangler to recreate the jobs that I had 'scripted' out on the original local Instance.

  • HI Jpotucek

    no this is just the kinda thing im looking for.

    ill try out what you said and hopefully that will help reslove some issues.

     once i have mastered this, im going to tackle the same thing under 2005 reporting services..

     chur chur  for your help



    Kindest Regards,

    Todd,non est vivere sed valere vita est

  • HI Jpotucek

     yes this option worked just fine, i know have a web server running report services web site piulling and publishing data to a sql server on a different box.


    Now i have to work out how to install the report services pluin for visual studio 2003 so i can write and publish reports.

     once this is in operation im doing my sql 2005 upgrade.

     yahoooooooo  its all fun

     thanks for your help, but as per usual , any futher comments would be welcome.

    chur chur


    Kindest Regards,

    Todd,non est vivere sed valere vita est


    Glad it worked out!!  Good luck and have fun!

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