Installing SSIS on machine that already have SQL 2000

  • Dear All,

    On my machine both intsnace of sql server is installed, i.e. SQL 2000 enterprise manager and SQL 2005 complete.

    Now the question is when i connect to Integerations service from sql 2005 from Management studio, i only get the name of the sql 2000 instance.

    what does it means, it doesnot install seprate SSIS or just update the DTS service.

    Why i cannot get the 2005 instacne name when i try to connect from 2005 Management studio.

    Please help

  • Not sure why you would want to connect to SSIS through SSMS but anyway....

    Are you sure you installed SSIS on the machine and not left it out in the options?

    What was the instance name and typing that into the login screen gives you what error?

    Which brings me to another question: How can you see SQL 2000 instance when logging into SSIS using SSMS? 2000 had no concept of SSIS and should not allow a logon.

    Cheers,CrispinI can't die, there are too many people who still have to meet me!It's not a bug, SQL just misunderstood me!

  • Ya SSIS are installed and i can design packages through BI,

    well my sql 2000 instance name is "UUMAR" and 2005 instance name is "UUMAR\RASHID2005"

    when i try to connect thorough SSMS to check which packges i have on my SQL2005, i need to connect integeration service, it gives the 2000 instance name and i.e UUMAR"

    logically speaking it should give this "UUMAR\RASHID2005" .

    What i came to know when i write explicitly "UUMAR\RASHID2005" , it gives me error

    "Invalid server name "UUMAR\rashid2005". SSIS service does not support multi-instance, use just server name instead of "server name\instance"

    so i need to give just sever name, and it made me confuse why sql 2000 server name is only choice.

  • I cannot say I have had this problem and have in the past run 2000 and 2005 on the same machine without a problem.

    A quick google on the problem found this by Kirk. Might be of help:


    Cheers,CrispinI can't die, there are too many people who still have to meet me!It's not a bug, SQL just misunderstood me!

  • Any way Crispin thanx for your suggestion, let me see the link.

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