Integrity check works running maually but not from sqlagent

  • Hi,

    I'm using the below procedure IntegrityCheck to check the database Integrity. I'm running the procedure IntegrityCheck from sqlagent.

    Issue: The scheduled sqlagent job only checks the database integrity for master, model, msdb and Admin (maintenance db)databases but NOT all databases.

    But if I run the same sqlagent job manually, then its performing the Integrity check for all databases.

    Please advice..

    USE [Admin]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[IntegrityCheck] Script Date: 12/04/2011 08:32:32 ******/





    CREATE procedure [dbo].[IntegrityCheck]



    declare database_cursor CURSOR for select name from sys.sysdatabases where name not in ('tempdb')

    declare @database_name sysname

    open database_cursor

    fetch next from database_cursor into @database_name

    while @@FETCH_STATUS=0


    print @database_name

    dbcc checkdb(@database_name) with no_infomsgs

    fetch next from database_cursor into @database_name


    close database_cursor

    deallocate database_cursor



  • The above script is running fine in sql 2005. But in sql server 2008 R2, some times, it's performing integrity check for all databases and some times performing index defrag for only master, msdb, model & admin databases.

    Please advice

  • I would try changing the select to:

    select name from master.sys.databases where name not in ('tempdb')


  • I would try changing the select to:

    select name from master.sys.databases where name not in ('tempdb')

    I changed the script to include master.sys.databases. But still, sometimes performs the Index defrag for all databases and sometimes it's NOT performing for couple of databases and sometimes skipps only one database..

    I'm not able to get why the same script behaving differently each time? any clue will be appreciated.

  • Mani-584606 (12/15/2011)

    ...But still, sometimes performs the Index defrag for all databases and sometimes it's NOT performing for couple of databases and sometimes skipps only one database..

    The script you posted is related only to database integrity check. It has nothing to do with index defrag.

    BTW, how to you know that some databases are skipped? Any log entries...?

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