Intermittent Windows NT Login Problem

  • Every month (give or take), any new NT connection fails, and if one was already made, it is unaffected. SQL Authentication works as if nothing is wrong. Sometimes it goes away on its own, but most of the time I have to restart the SQL server and it starts working again. No one is playing with the firewalls, routers, DNS, or active directory to make this happen. Anyone have a clue? I cannot manually reproduce this problem.

  • NT Authentication utilizes Kerberos. Could it be that the Kerberos Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) is expiring?

  • If it were, what would the solution be? You think the session is expiring between SQL box and AD?

  • I am not an AD guru, just know enough to get in trouble, but that is something that I have run into using Windows Authentication. Not sure how you can reestablish an AD connection outside of restarting SQL, but I have a feeling that it is related to SQL and AD talking to each other. Wish I could be more help.

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