Introduction to PIVOT operator in SQL

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Introduction to PIVOT operator in SQL

  • Is there a way to specify a column name for the IN section of code to keep it dynamic? Otherwise, every time there is a new value in the column, it will need to be added to the list of values for the IN section.


    SELECT * FROM ( SELECT [dd].[CalendarYear] AS [OrderYear] ,[dst].[SalesTerritoryGroup] AS [SalesTerritoryGroup] ,SUM(SalesAmount) [SalesAmount] FROM [dbo].[FactInternetSales] fs INNER JOIN [dbo].[DimDate] dd ON dd.DateKey = fs.OrderDateKey INNER JOIN [dbo].[DimSalesTerritory] dst ON dst.SalesTerritoryKey = fs.SalesTerritoryKey GROUP BY [dd].[CalendarYear] ,[dst].[SalesTerritoryGroup] ) AS [SalesByTerritoryAndYear] PIVOT ( SUM([SalesAmount]) FOR [SalesTerritoryGroup] IN ( <columnname> ) ) AS [PivotSalesByTerritoryAndYear]

  • pamela.j.cihak wrote:

    Is there a way to specify a column name for the IN section of code to keep it dynamic? Otherwise, every time there is a new value in the column, it will need to be added to the list of values for the IN section.


    SELECT * FROM ( SELECT [dd].[CalendarYear] AS [OrderYear] ,[dst].[SalesTerritoryGroup] AS [SalesTerritoryGroup] ,SUM(SalesAmount) [SalesAmount] FROM [dbo].[FactInternetSales] fs INNER JOIN [dbo].[DimDate] dd ON dd.DateKey = fs.OrderDateKey INNER JOIN [dbo].[DimSalesTerritory] dst ON dst.SalesTerritoryKey = fs.SalesTerritoryKey GROUP BY [dd].[CalendarYear] ,[dst].[SalesTerritoryGroup] ) AS [SalesByTerritoryAndYear] PIVOT ( SUM([SalesAmount]) FOR [SalesTerritoryGroup] IN ( <columnname> ) ) AS [PivotSalesByTerritoryAndYear]


    Take a look at these 2 articles on dynamic pivoting and cross-tabs

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