Invalid length passed to substring!

  • I have a simple string splitting iTVF (attached) that im trying to use in an exist clause

    SELECT * FROM dbo.fncSplitTable2('2;>;3','|') WHERE ITEM_ARRAY LIKE '[A,S][V,U][G,M]%'

    this works as expected, no results

    IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM dbo.fncSplitTable2('2;>;3','|') WHERE ITEM_ARRAY LIKE '[A,S][V,U][G,M]%')

    PRINT 'OK'

    throws Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function. and i have no idea why!

    Accepting any help/idea/direction!

    It is also possible for me to change this function interely but I'd prefer it to remain as a iTVF


    Edit: first select was wrong. corrected

    Thiago Dantas

  • If the string doesn't have the delimiter in it, you'll get a LEFT(string, 0) or LEFT(string, -1) essentially, and that is an invalid value for the LEFT function, hence the error.

    You can mitigate that by appending the delimiter to the end of the string as part of the function, before it starts parsing.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • GSquared (3/17/2011)

    If the string doesn't have the delimiter in it, you'll get a LEFT(string, 0) or LEFT(string, -1) essentially, and that is an invalid value for the LEFT function, hence the error.

    You can mitigate that by appending the delimiter to the end of the string as part of the function, before it starts parsing.

    the function does this. it appends the delimiter to the string before and after the string. thats why the simple select works. the question is why it doesn't work with EXISTS

    Edit: the first select was wrong, fixed it

    Thiago Dantas

  • dant12 (3/17/2011)

    the function does this. it appends the delimiter to the string before and after the string. thats why the simple select works. the question is why it doesn't work with EXISTS

    The reason is that SQL Server is free to reorder expressions when searching for a good execution plan. The in-line TVF is expanded into the calling query just like a view, and SQL Server optimizes the whole resulting text.

    Your function assumes that certain expressions and predicates will be evaluated before others to avoid an error message. For some query plan shapes, this assumption does not hold: the result of the SUBSTRING is evaluated with the LIKE from the outer query before the safety conditions.

    This is not a bug in SQL Server, but it is a bug in the function. I'm not a huge fan of in-line string splitters with an on-the-fly numbers table for a number of reasons, but if you really must use one try this:




    @pString VARCHAR(7999),

    @pDelimiter CHAR(1)






    WITH V(n)

    AS (

    SELECT 1

    FROM (VALUES (1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1)) V1 (n),

    (VALUES (1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1)) V2 (n),

    (VALUES (1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1)) V3 (n),

    (VALUES (1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1)) V4 (n)


    Tally (n)

    AS (



    SELECT item_number = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY T.n),

    item = SUBSTRING(@pString, T.n, CHARINDEX(@pDelimiter, @pString + @pDelimiter, T.n) - T.n)

    FROM Tally AS T

    WHERE SUBSTRING(@pDelimiter + @pString, T.n, 1) = @pDelimiter


    That's based on some code provided by Jeff Moden. My preference for a string-splitting routine is to use SQLCLR.


  • SQLkiwi (3/17/2011)

    dant12 (3/17/2011)

    the function does this. it appends the delimiter to the string before and after the string. thats why the simple select works. the question is why it doesn't work with EXISTS

    The reason is that SQL Server is free to reorder expressions when searching for a good execution plan. The in-line TVF is expanded into the calling query just like a view, and SQL Server optimizes the whole resulting text.

    Your function assumes that certain expressions and predicates will be evaluated before others to avoid an error message. For some query plan shapes, this assumption does not hold: the result of the SUBSTRING is evaluated with the LIKE from the outer query before the safety conditions.

    thanks paul, that really answers the WHY. my function was also based on Jeff Moden's awsome string splitter, the choice for an on-the-fly tally was that changing database schema for a single function was a no-go, or so I was told.

    Given that, my only choice is to drop the iTVF and use a while-based multi-statement one. Perf tested and it seems while-based speed > on-the-fly tally-based speed for multi-statement TVF


    Thiago Dantas

  • dant12 (3/18/2011)

    Given that, my only choice is to drop the iTVF and use a while-based multi-statement one. Perf tested and it seems while-based speed > on-the-fly tally-based speed for multi-statement TVF.

    Yes, the in-line on-the-fly function has problems with some query plans (the numbers table ends up being generated once per row!) so for small string-splitting requirements, you're often best off using a multi-statement TVF.

    Because mutli-statement TVFs only work well for small splitting needs, it doesn't really matter which technique you use. Don't try to use the msTVF for larger tasks though - it will absolutely suck.

    This is why I prefer a SQLCLR function - it is always fast.


  • SQLkiwi (3/18/2011)

    dant12 (3/18/2011)

    Given that, my only choice is to drop the iTVF and use a while-based multi-statement one. Perf tested and it seems while-based speed > on-the-fly tally-based speed for multi-statement TVF.

    Yes, the in-line on-the-fly function has problems with some query plans (the numbers table ends up being generated once per row!) so for small string-splitting requirements, you're often best off using a multi-statement TVF.

    Because mutli-statement TVFs only work well for small splitting needs, it doesn't really matter which technique you use. Don't try to use the msTVF for larger tasks though - it will absolutely suck.

    This is why I prefer a SQLCLR function - it is always fast.


    If we were already using CLR for something, i couldn't agree more with you! On my previous job i did perf testing with Adam Machanic's CLR string splitter and it flew like a beast, but right now there would be alot of documenting, testing, QA and everything just for this. This will be small though

    Thanks again

    Thiago Dantas

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