I/O and TempDB

  • Has any one face this error...

    Our app is using a sp which had a temp table to insert some data into the db..

    I identified the issue and modified the sp to use the Memory table.. (Declare as @ as Table)

    It did solve the issue but still we are getting the below error's and some times it do make the sql server restart and sometimes gives the timeout error its not that frequent as how it use to be when we was using temp tables and its a cluster server.

    And I still don't know how this Report Server error is coming up.....

    We do have report's on that server but its hardly been used by any 1

    “Report Server Windows Service (DB01) cannot connect to the report server database.”

    “SQL Server has encountered 8 occurrence(s) of I/O requests taking longer than 15 seconds to complete on file [Y:\SQL\LOG\tempdb_log_1.ldf] in database [tempdb] (2). The OS file handle is 0x00000684. The offset of the latest long I/O is: 0x000001533ae200”

  • What else do you have on the Y: drive? Other dbs? Can you move the Tempdb log file somewhere else?

    It sounds like the Y: drive is fairly busy.



  • Thanks for the reply

    Well its our Prod Server and I always keep my tempdb seprate from other db's so except tempdb on Y:\ I have nothing on it and I have enough space on that drive infact I did tried moving the tempdb datafile to some other drive but that didn't worked,,I thought the samething that might be drive issue but its not that ....

  • I may be missing some details on things you've tried but as I read your posts, you moved the the tempdb data file from some other drive, to another location (that also wasn't Y:) which did not address your issue. If thats correct, moving the data file wouldn't address your error b/cthe error message points to the tempdb log file on the Y: drive as the culprit.

    Maybe I've missed something, did you do something else to eliminate the Y: drive?

    Have you taken a look at the IO requests for the Y: drive in perfmon when this error occurs? Is it on a SAN? Any chance it is a shared LUN?



  • I have seen this message on servers where the disk I/O level was really high and where I had a drive that was failing.


    1) Is the Y: drive part of a RAID configuration?

    2) Are both the data file (.mdf) and the log file (.ldf) on the Y: drive?

    3) Is your Virus Scanning software excluding .MDF/.LDF/.NDF files?

    You might also want to check the system log on the server to see if any disk CRC errors or other nasties are present.

  • its a SAN Drive and I also moved Log file from Y:\ But still the issue persist and the thing which bother's me is how i am getting Report Server error ??????

  • Check/swap your fibre cable/switch port on the SAN that plug into this host. We were getting loads of temporary errors on one of our LUNs, only to discover the fibre cables were bad.

    Is this the only LUN (SAN drive) attached to the HBA?

    If not a cable or switch issue, perhaps the LUN is shared as a previous poster suggested.

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