Is anyone else having Problems with SSCentral after LightSpeed adds were installed?

  • I have been having problems bringing up pages in the site.  

    I dont know if this is the cause, but the problems started when SSCentral installed the SQL LightSpeed adds on the pages.


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I too have been gettting intermittent "URL not found" errors when linking to discussions. 90% of the time the links work. Now for the 10% that fail the first try, 90% of those do work when I hit refresh. The other 10% , well it takes 2 or 3 refreshes. I know it's not my network. Other websites work flawlessly as before, our network traffic utilization is between 2-10% and out internet bandwidth usage is less than 20% (that's 20% of the equivalent of 6 T1's).

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • I have the same problem. The CPU utilization on my PC spikes to 100% as soon as I visit

    This problem makes the site unusable for me. Has anybody found a solution?

  • Thanks for the info and it is good to know that I am not the only one having the problems. 

    I read on one of the other forums that SQL Server Central signed some type of contract with one of the advertisers or Flash.

    The thing with advertisers is though is HIT rate.   All I know is that my usage of the site has dropped by 90%, and I have been using other ( even though not as good ) sites.  

    If an advertizement is so CPU intensive, you have to wonder about the products that they sell.



  • Eric, I do not think that it it the advertiser that's causing the CPU surge. If it was then the SSC (Steve) would have been inundatdd with complaints. I've used the site from 3 different computers at work and have seen no noticable CPU usage jump, let alone 'pegging' it to 90-100%. Is it possible that you've been infected with a bit of adware/malware ?

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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