Is CHECK constraint same as TRIGGER?

  • I just noticed that CHECK constraint behaves like after TRIGGER. That is, the row is inserted then checked whehter it satisfies the condition. If not, rolled back.

    See the example below. Notice the missing id (identity) values 2, 4, and 6.

    create table CheckTest


    id int identity(1, 1),

    data char(1) check (Data not in ('X', 'Y', 'Z'))



    insert into CheckTest(data) values ('A')

    insert into CheckTest(data) values ('X')

    insert into CheckTest(data) values ('B')

    insert into CheckTest(data) values ('Y')

    insert into CheckTest(data) values ('C')

    insert into CheckTest(data) values ('Z')

    insert into CheckTest(data) values ('D')

    select id, Data from CheckTest

    1 A

    3 B

    5 C

    7 D

    My question is, why checking is not done before inserting?

  • I just noticed that CHECK constraint behaves like after TRIGGER. That is, the row is inserted then checked whehter it satisfies the condition. If not, rolled back.


    No. CHECK constraint checks before insertion of data. When you are trying to insert value 'X' into the table CHECK constraint fails the insert statement. As you have a identity column here even though your insert statement failed the identity value gets increased. Its the defaul behaviour of an identity column.

    Try this example:

    create table identTest


    id int identity(1, 1),

    data char(1)



    insert into identTest(data) values ('A')

    insert into identTest(data) values ('XX)

    insert into identTest(data) values ('BV')

    insert into identTest(data) values ('Y')

    insert into identTest(data) values ('C')

    insert into identTest(data) values ('ZX')

    insert into identTest(data) values ('D')

    insert into identTest(data) values ('DARK')


    select * from identTest order by id


    Chandra Mohan[/font]

  • Hi Chandu,

    I think CHECK constraint checks AFTER insertion of data. If we do row count in the ckeck constraint it will have the new row. See the following example:

    CREATE TABLE CheckTbl (col1 int, col2 int);


    CREATE FUNCTION CheckFnctn()

    RETURNS int



    DECLARE @retval int

    SELECT @retval = COUNT(*) FROM CheckTbl

    RETURN @retval



    ALTER TABLE CheckTbl

    ADD CONSTRAINT chkRowCount CHECK (dbo.CheckFnctn() >= 1 );


    insert into CheckTbl values (1, 1)

    (1 row(s) affected)

  • Did you read the BOL entry that contained the example you posted? It explicitly states (emphasis is mine):

    CHECK constraints reject values that evaluate to FALSE. Because null values evaluate to UNKNOWN, their presence in expressions may override a constraint. For example, suppose you place a constraint on an int column MyColumn specifying that MyColumn can contain only the value 10 (MyColumn = 10). If you insert the value NULL into MyColumn, the Database Engine inserts NULL and does not return an error.

    A CHECK constraint returns TRUE when the condition it is checking is not FALSE for any row in the table. If a table that has just been created does not have any rows, any CHECK constraint on this table is considered valid. This situation can produce unexpected results, as in the following example.

    CREATE TABLE CheckTbl (col1 int, col2 int);


    CREATE FUNCTION CheckFnctn()

    RETURNS int



    DECLARE @retval int

    SELECT @retval = COUNT(*) FROM CheckTbl

    RETURN @retval



    ALTER TABLE CheckTbl

    ADD CONSTRAINT chkRowCount CHECK (dbo.CheckFnctn() >= 1 );


    The CHECK constraint being added specifies that there must be at least one row in table CheckTbl. However, because there are no rows in the table against which to check the condition of this constraint, the ALTER TABLE statement succeeds.

    So this is not a valid check. If you change the value being checked to anything greater than 1 then a single row insert fails.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • I completly agree to Jack.

    Sarabpreet Singh 😎
    Twitter: @Sarab_SQLGeek

  • Just for documentation purposes and to clarify the missleading title that reads "Is CHECK constraint same as TRIGGER?" ... no, check constraint and triggers are not the same.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.

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