Is Developer required a writing skills to become a expert?

  • Hello All Developers,

    I have a great question for you how is important for a developer to have some content writing skills in their career to grow and become professional.

    Content Editor at

  • I'd say there's not a single correct answer for everyone on this question, but I'll put out my two cents.


    I see three general tracks through work life (VERY broad generalizations to follow). First, and pretty common, you do stuff, develop knowledge, grow seniority, start moving into management. Second, you're a worker bee. You're happy as a worker bee. You do stuff, develop some knowledge, screw seniority, I'm staying where I'm at. Third, you're just not that into the concept of managing people, but, you do stuff, develop knowledge, grow seniority, but now I want to be a leader (without that messy people stuff). Technical leadership.

    To be a technical lead, which is a less common path, you absolutely must develop communication skills. Those skills need to include public speaking (so you can sell the higher ups on a good idea, teach your team & peers, etc.) and writing (proposals, documentation, even articles for publication). Not every organization can support a technical lead like this, but many can. It's the path I found myself following as I did develop seniority, but had ZERO interest in becoming a manger (I'd actually moved into that role early in life and found I hated it), so I worked with my boss, their boss, and members of the team to develop a technical leadership role. The need to be able to communicate, clearly, efficiently, and effectively, was probably more important than my technical knowledge.

    So, if you want to be a worker bee, you can stay there and you really don't need to sweat much these kinds of skills. If you want move up, management or just leadership, you need to enhance your ability to communicate, so yeah, develop writing skills.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • I'll say, Absolutely.  It's a very necessary form of communication no matter what you do in life but especially in the world of IT.  And, it's not limited to just writing.  Can you use the simple tools available to most of us to make a drawing, add some arrows and notes to it, and the talk to it in front of a group of people?  If not, those are skills that can really add to your career whether you go for management or not.

    As for the management thing... definitely not for me.  I worked my way all the way up to being the "Director of MIS" for a company and hated it.  I worked my way back "down" (it's down "down" in anything other than position and actually takes more work... I love good Dev Managers) to being a "Just" a database geek (currently working my dream job).  I couldn't have done any of it without writing and presentation skills.

    And, if you let those skills bleed into how you comment and format your code, you'll do even better.

    --Jeff Moden

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