Is it possible to identify the other process in a deadlock after it has happened?

  • I suspect the answer is "no" but I thought I'd ask all the same!

    There was a batch process running through query analyser on SQL 2000 enterprise.  It was the chosen as the deadlock victim.  The mystery I have is that as far as I am aware, there were no other processes running at the time, so I can't understand how this deadlock occured.  Is it possible to find out after the event what caused this?  This is a process that is run daily and runs for several hours and has not been changed recently.  I don't think it has been deadlocked before. 

    As I wasn't expecting this to happen, the relevant trace flags were not switched on, and there is nothing in the log.  I'd like to get to the bottom of this in case it happens again. 

    Any ideas greatly appreciated.

  • Its too late the event has passed. You could add an alert to tell you of a deadlock, which you possibly should anyway, this will allow you to get the count of how many times it is happening or whether this was a one off.

    You can use the following to generate a script to look at what is happening at any point in time, whilst it is running.

    USE master


    DECLARE @spidno varchar(10),

     @str varchar(100)


     SELECT spid FROM sysprocesses

    -- If you want to look for specific users or applications amend as appropiate ie WHERE program_name like '.net%'

    OPEN newspidCur

    FETCH NEXT FROM newspidCur INTO @spidno

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0


     SET @STR = 'dbcc inputbuffer('+ @spidno +')'

     PRINT   @STR

    FETCH NEXT FROM newspidCur INTO @spidno



    CLOSE newspidCur

    DEALLOCATE newspidCur

    I find this useful to look are what's happening when the server is running slowly, unless you are watching , profiling or tracing it is difficult to capture what caused the deadlock.


    Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable - Mark Twain

  • Thanks for your help Carolyn!

  • If deadlocks are a problem then enabling trace flags will store all the data you need in the sql log, but you do get large logs so need to use with care.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • The only way to troubleshoot deadlock will be to see the deadlock graph, to get those you need to enable the traceflags (1205 and 3604, i believe). This will dump the deadlock graph to your sql errorlogs. so if you are not getting hundreds of deadlock in a minute , you will have to enable these falgs to furhter troubleshoot .

    I dont believe the logs would be that large in size

  • you may need 1204 too - I figure about 80mb a day ( av ) with trace falgs enabled.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • The logs shouldn't be a problem, we get less than 1 deadlock per week.  We've switched on the trace flags and are now waiting for a deadlock to occur.

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