is keeping your OLAP and OLTP databases on the same server is considered bad practice

  • Hi,

    We have been asked to host OLAP and OLTP databases on the same server. Is this bad practice.

    I believe OLTP db's would be managed under database engine and OLAP under anaylsis services. Should the run on the same server or instance?


  • I'm not sure what you mean by the term OLAP. Are you talking about cubes or data warehouse/data mart databases?

    In either case, best practice is to keep them separate. The server configurations used to get the best performance out of your databases are different based on load (OLTP vs reporting). Also Analysis Services and the Database engine will be competing for resources if you put them on the same server, so neither will perform as well as if you have them separate.

    Having said that, if you are a small shop with small databases/cubes, you can probably get away with running on the same server. From a cost perspective that's the best way to do it, until the business can't live with the performance issues.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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