Is loop necessary?

  • Hi

    I'm not even sure if I'm thinking about this the right way... Nevertheless, the setup is to find the distance from a Pass to the previous Pass, where the calculation for Pass itself involves the distance.

    Is there any other way to do this, such as recursion?

    declare @T table(N int not null primary key clustered, Result char(1) null, Distance int null)
    insert @T(N) values (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10)

    --starting point
    update @T
    Result = 'P',
    Distance = 0
    where N = 1

    declare @ThisN int = 2
    declare @MaxN int = 10

    while @ThisN <= @MaxN
    ----some calculation involving N AND Distance (not shown)
    declare @Result char(1) = cast(case when @ThisN in (2, 6, 9) then 'P' else 'F' end as char(1))

    update @T
    Result = @Result,
    Distance = @ThisN - (select max(N) from @T where @Result = 'P' and N < @ThisN and Result = 'P') --dependent on previous result
    where N = @ThisN

    set @ThisN = @ThisN + 1

    select * from @T order by N


  • Isn't the total distance covered the sum of all distances up to this pass? If that's the case, then why not use a windowing function and sum(distance)? and then use ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING to get a running total?

  • The scenario is:

    Result (Pass or Fail) is a function of Distance, where Distance = N - (N of previous latest Pass)

    How can you work out Result for row N without first finding the 'previous latest Pass'.  Can only think of iteration, is there another way?

  • A windowed lag function might work. I'm farther away from efficient SQL production queries, so there might be better ways, but I was thinking something like:

    select N, Result, Distance = N - lag(N,1,1) OVER (partition by Result ORDER BY N)
    from @T
    where Result = 'P'

    The third parameter of lag is the default, which should by the N of the first Pass to get a Distance of zero. In this example, that is N = 1, but could be replaced with a variable/return from query (select min(N) from @T where Result='P').

    Join this back to @T on N and update the joined records.

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