Is msdn wrong about trigger permissions?

  • Hi

    I'm talking about the default setting for EXECUTE AS when a DML trigger is created. According to msdn:

    However, I have found that a user has greater permissions whilst inside a trigger. I have used triggers to perform inserts on tables where my user does not have the insert permission. The trigger in question was created without the EXECUTE AS condition so it should be using the default of CALLER.

    Is this a mistake in msdn? or can somebody explain this behaviour?

    here is a script to replicate (2008)

    -- Create a table that our test user will have insert permissions for

    if object_id('dbo.UnrestrictedTable') > 0


    drop table dbo.UnrestrictedTable


    create table UnrestrictedTable (id int, userName varchar(max) not null default user_name())


    -- Create a table that our test user will not have insert permissions for

    if object_id('dbo.RestrictedTable') > 0


    drop table dbo.RestrictedTable


    create table RestrictedTable (id int, userName varchar(max) not null default user_name())


    -- Create a trigger on insert of the unrestricted table that causes an insert on the restricted table

    if exists(select * from sys.objects where name = 'TestInsertTrigger')


    drop trigger TestInsertTrigger



    create trigger dbo.TestInsertTrigger on UnrestrictedTable

    for insert



    insert into dbo.RestrictedTable (id)

    select id from inserted



    -- create a new user

    begin try

    drop user restrictedUser

    end try begin catch end catch

    begin try

    create login restrictedUserLogin with password = '123QWERTYasdfg'

    end try begin catch end catch

    create user restrictedUser for login restrictedUserLogin

    -- give user insert permission on just one of the tables

    grant insert on dbo.UnrestrictedTable to restrictedUser

    -- impersonate the new user

    execute as user = 'restrictedUser'

    -- try and fail to insert into the restricted table

    begin try

    insert into dbo.RestrictedTable(id)

    values (54)

    end try

    begin catch

    select 'Error whilst inserting into RestrictedTable', error_message()

    end catch

    -- successfully insert in both tables using the trigger

    insert into dbo.UnrestrictedTable(id)

    values (42)


    select 'UnrestrictedTable', *

    from dbo.UnrestrictedTable

    select 'RestrictedTable', *

    from dbo.RestrictedTable

  • ownership chaining is what is happening, i'm pretty sure.

    i believe that in this case, because all the objects are owned by the same schema(dbo), it's the same logic that follows giving execute permissions on a stored proc: the trigger is allowed to do any work it wants(insert/update/delete, etc) the insert into a table the caller does not have explicit access to, due to ownership chaining.

    the owner dbo owns both tables, so code executed in modules, as long as they don't touch objects outside the schema or database, still perform the work.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Oh ok that makes sense.

    This also explains why it WASN'T giving elevated permissions on tables in a different database. Which is why I started looking into this in the first place.

    Many thanks

  • Lowell is correct. To show the point I have created a user without a login to change the ownership of the RestrictedTable:-- Create a table that our test user will have insert permissions for

    if object_id('dbo.UnrestrictedTable') > 0


    drop table dbo.UnrestrictedTable


    create table UnrestrictedTable (id int, userName varchar(max) not null default user_name())


    -- Create a table that our test user will not have insert permissions for

    if object_id('dbo.RestrictedTable') > 0


    drop table dbo.RestrictedTable


    create table RestrictedTable (id int, userName varchar(max) not null default user_name())


    -- Create a trigger on insert of the unrestricted table that causes an insert on the restricted table

    if exists(select * from sys.objects where name = 'TestInsertTrigger')


    drop trigger TestInsertTrigger



    create trigger dbo.TestInsertTrigger on UnrestrictedTable

    for insert



    insert into dbo.RestrictedTable (id)

    select id from inserted



    -- create a new user

    begin try

    drop user restrictedUser

    end try begin catch end catch

    begin try

    create login restrictedUserLogin with password = '123QWERTYasdfg'

    end try begin catch end catch

    create user restrictedUser for login restrictedUserLogin

    -- give user insert permission on just one of the tables

    grant insert on dbo.UnrestrictedTable to restrictedUser

    /* Break the ownership chain */

    begin try

    create user BreakChain without login;

    end try begin catch end catch


    alter authorization on object::dbo.RestrictedTable to BreakChain;


    -- impersonate the new user

    execute as user = 'restrictedUser'

    -- try and fail to insert into the restricted table

    begin try

    insert into dbo.RestrictedTable(id)

    values (54)

    end try

    begin catch

    select 'Error whilst inserting into RestrictedTable', error_message()

    end catch

    -- successfully insert in both tables using the trigger

    begin try

    insert into dbo.UnrestrictedTable(id)

    values (42)

    end try

    begin catch

    select 'Error whilst inserting into RestrictedTable using trigger', error_message()


    end catch


    select 'UnrestrictedTable', *

    from dbo.UnrestrictedTable

    select 'RestrictedTable', *

    from dbo.RestrictedTable

    Here is a link on Ownership Chaining[/url]

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