Is my SQl query right?

  • Hi Everyone,

    I am writing a very simple query but when the results are returned, I am sure if I have written the right query but I can not figure out what is wrong.

    The problem is:

    I have a table A where the GUID (UNIQUE) are randomly set while entering records from the form.

    Now I have 4123 rows in this table when I run the following query

    SELECT *


    WHERE DataSource_ID = '24'

    Now the records from this table get distributed to different tables after processing, so say it goes a table B where the GUID is formed using combination of columns in table A

    SELECT *


    WHERE DataSource_ID = '24'

    It gives me a total of 4063 records.

    Now I want to find out which are the 60 records in table A that are not in table B, so that I can verify if they have processed and eliminated them as the procedure was supposed to do.

    Now I want result set = Table A - Table B :

    SELECT ocr.*


    WHERE ('2OCR_ADMIN_'+REVIEW_DATE+PAT_ID+Convert(varchar(9),Form_Id))

    NOT IN (Select GUID from IMPORT_CD_D where DataSource_ID = '24')

    AND ocr.DataSource_ID = '24'

    I am not sure if this is right. If someone can help, it will be great.

    Thanks in advance,


  • what you have should work but using a join will be faster and cleaner

    SELECT ocr.*


    left join IMPORT_CD_D as cd

    on '2OCR_ADMIN_'+REVIEW_DATE+PAT_ID+Convert(varchar(9),ocr.Form_Id) = cd.GUID and cd.DataSource_ID = '24'

    where cd.GUID is null and ocr.DataSource_ID = '24'

  • Just an observation here, but why not just leave the GUID value alone when you move the row to another table? Wouldn't this help you with relating the data back to TableA? Finding rows that don't exist in TableB would then just be a straight outer join on the column without having to include all of the string manipulation garbage.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Hi mrpolecat,

    SELECT ocr.*


    left join IMPORT_CD_D as cd

    on '2OCR_ADMIN_'+REVIEW_DATE+PAT_ID+Convert(varchar(9),ocr.Form_Id) = cd.GUID and cd.DataSource_ID = '24'

    where ocr.DataSource_ID = '24'

    This is the query I think I need. But I am not getting the expected results.

    As I mentioned -

    If Table A Gives me 4123 records and Table B 4063 , I need 60 records in Table A that are not there in table B. But this query returns me 4122 records. I am puzzled. ANy help.

    Hi John,

    The GUID in table A comes from the form directly but it has data which needs to go to Table B, Table c etc and when the data is being import, new GUID are formed such that the GUID can tell us the source and type of data in the destination import table.

    For example: If Table B is a fruits table, Table C is a Vegetables table: Than GUID for TABLE A will be formed saying : FruitsName + Fruits Source + Fruits Store+ DateOf Packing - i.e. AppleSpain1TESCO3101/01/1900. Hope that makes sense, its a legacy DB but its not too bad as well.

    Thanks and regards,


  • You are missing this part which will elimintate the records that are in table B.

    where cd.GUID is null and ocr.DataSource_ID = '24'

  • Hi mrpolecat (Any short name? Though its quite funny, very long to type each time :D)

    But cd.GUID can not be NULL at all.

    Basically I want then records that are not imported from Table A to table B that has the datasource 24.

    Please do let me know if I not clear, I will try to be more explanatory.



  • ok , maybe I missed something.

    Is IMPORT_OCR_ADMIN_2000_1 Table A or Table B?

  • IMPORT_OCR_ADMIN_2000_1 is Table A

  • and IMPORT_OCR_ADMIN_2000_1 is Table A

    has the field called GUID?

  • IMPORT_OCR_ADMIN_2000_1 has a field called GUID but its not same as GUID of table B.

    GUID in Table A - Unique Identifier automatically generated when the fields are entered

    GUID in TAble B - Generated from columsn combined from Table A i.e. '2OCR_ADMIN_'+REVIEW_DATE+PAT_ID+Convert(varchar(9),ocr.Form_Id)

  • OK then what we have should work. By saying tableB.guid is null it will exclude all records where there is a match between table A and Table B giving you the results of records in table A where there is no match in table B. This may be easier to read.

    SELECT tableA.*

    FROM IMPORT_OCR_ADMIN_2000_1 AS tableA

    left join IMPORT_CD_D as tableB

    on '2OCR_ADMIN_'+REVIEW_DATE+PAT_ID+Convert(varchar(9),tableB.Form_Id) = tableB.GUID and tableB.DataSource_ID = '24'

    where tableB.GUID is null and tableA.DataSource_ID = '24'

  • Sreemati,

    The query posted by mrpolecat is right and it should produce the required results.

    SELECT ocr.*


    left join IMPORT_CD_D as cd

    on '2OCR_ADMIN_'+REVIEW_DATE+PAT_ID+Convert(varchar(9),ocr.Form_Id) = cd.GUID and cd.DataSource_ID = ocr.DataSource_ID

    where cd.GUID is null

    and ocr.DataSource_ID = '24'

    The above query uses left join it means it gets all the tables in ocr table which are not in cd table, in order to get the (ocr-cd) results we use the clause cd.GUID is null to accomplish that, which doesn't mean it should be null.

    Hope I made sense!

    Try running the above query and let me know how many records it produces.

  • Hi John,

    The GUID in table A comes from the form directly but it has data which needs to go to Table B, Table c etc and when the data is being import, new GUID are formed such that the GUID can tell us the source and type of data in the destination import table.

    For example: If Table B is a fruits table, Table C is a Vegetables table: Than GUID for TABLE A will be formed saying : FruitsName + Fruits Source + Fruits Store+ DateOf Packing - i.e. AppleSpain1TESCO3101/01/1900. Hope that makes sense, its a legacy DB but its not too bad as well.

    Thanks and regards,


    Thanks for the reply Sree. I guess that's where I was confused. That is not actually a GUID. A GUID is a hexidecimal value formatted as such: {3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301}. What you have is just a unique identifier created by concatenating values together to create the value.

    This is scary. You should find the original designer and knock him over the head with a book on relational database design. Oh well, gotta love those legacy apps!! If you are in the mood to fix the table structure to make querying it not a nightmare, feel free to post the table DDL with some sample data and some of us will look it over.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Hi John,

    Yes, I know its hard. Half of our time is spent in decoding the table structure, datatypes and the store procedure. I would say its a perfect example of how things are not to be done but surprisingly its been working for past 10 years and hence management is quite scared of even thinking of re-vamping it.

    I would definitely want to learn how to improve it for my personal development 🙂

    Thanks for you help,


  • HI Everyone,

    Well, thanks for the query, all the time, the query had been right. I went through the SP that processed it and realized that all Values of DS= 24 in Table A does not have to go to Table B but it could also be going to Table C also 🙂

    Thanks for you help.


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