Is password history enforced

  • When CHECK_POLICY is on, and the server has a policy that does not allow the same password to be used for X changes, is this policy also enforced?

    I do not have access to the server policy but assume it enforces unique passwords (this is true for my personal account). I created a SQL account with an initial password, changed the password to something else, then changed it back to the first password. SQL allowed me.

    My tests make me think that SQL does NOT enforce password history. If it did, how would it track the password history to know?

    Am I correct?


  • Password history is enforced. It maintains a password history:

    BOL: Password Policy

    K. Brian Kelley

  • If I change the password using SSMS does the password history apply?

    It would appear I can use to the same password over and over when I right-click get properties on the account. I assumed the history would apply no matter how I changed the password so perhaps I assumed incorrectly...


  • It might have to do with your permissions. Are you changing it using a sysadmin level account? Because in AD, as a domain admin that password history doesn't apply to me when I change a password.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • I am changing it using a domain account in the SYSADMIN role but not a domain admin. I also logged in with the SQL account which is in the securityadmin role.

    If I can change the password, it appears I can change it to the same passward any time via SSMS...


  • The enforcement should be based on the base OS.

    If you are working with Windows Auth and SQL Auth, there're not related.

  • Does that mean if I connect to an instance with a domain account (w/SA rights) and change the password of a SQL account, the policy is not checked? Doesn't seem right since if I try to use a password that does not meet the policy I get an error.

  • I used Domain Admins and Active Directory as a parallel security structure.

    In Active Directory, within a domain, the Domain Admins group is king. Therefore, a member of the Domain Admins can break the rules.

    In SQL Server, the sysadmin fixed server role is king. Therefore, a member of the sysadmin fixed server role can break the rules.

    Therefore, if you are using a member of the sysadmin fixed server role to make the password change, you are allowed to break the rules.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Brian is the expert, and he's correct. For example, just like the domain administrator account cannot be locked out, the SA account cannot be locked out.

  • I am far from an expert but can be like a bulldog refusing to let go. I apologize if I'm beating a dead horse, but,

    I used my SYADMIN account to change the SQL account password to 'shortpw'. It failed with an error: 'Password validation failed. The password does not meet windows policy because it is too short'. It would appear I cannot violate that rule.

    Another piece to the puzzle.

    If I issue this command (with my SYSADMIN account), I can change the password to one I've used before:

    ALTER LOGIN sectest WITH PASSWORD=N'UsedthisPasswordb4!'

    If I issue this command (with my SYSADMIN account), I get this error:

    ALTER LOGIN sectest WITH PASSWORD=N'UsedthisPasswordb4!' old_password =N'Changed2this!'

    Msg 15114, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Password validation failed. The password for the user is too recent to change.

    When I change the password in SSMS I don't supply the old password just like the command that works.

    It would appear supplying the old_password causes the policy to be enforced.

  • I thought about it after I posted but forgot to follow up. Password complexity and minimum length will still be enforced. It is within Active Directory, too. Those determine whether or not a given combination of letters, numbers, and characters are a valid password.

    Anything with relation to password age can be bypassed. This includes the policy on how much time must occur before the password can be changed again.

    K. Brian Kelley

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