Is SQL Server Agent Service Running

  • I need to determine if the SQL Server Agent Service is running on a remote machine. The remote machine is not a member of a domain. I have coded a COM+ VB method that uses OpenSCManager on the remote machine so that I can query the SC database. The method is called by a WEB page using impersonation. If I don't use impersonation and use This User, I have acceptible security credentials because the account is administrative. However, when I secure the COM+ object with impersonation using the IUSR_<computer> account (a requirement for the product), OpenSCManager complains with access denied error. I have searched through SQL Server xp and sp in master and msdb for a method that might tell me if SQL Server Agent is running without success. Any suggestions?

  • Did you try SQLDMO - JobServer object's Status property?

    It could help you

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