is the SA the service account?

  • On my SQL 2000 server I removed the builtin\administrators account and when I did my jobs started failing due to the service account not having the correct permissions. I looked at the jobs and they are using the SA account to run. Is there a link between the SA account and the service account?

    I plan to add the service account to the SA Role but was curious as to the relationship between the SA and service accounts.

    The service account is a domain account and it was used to install SQL 2000



  • there is no link between SA and your service account, although most people I know add the service account to the SA role

  • Your jobs run under the SQL Server Agent service account. This account needs to log into SQL Server and likely did so because it got login rights because of membership in the BUILTIN/Administrators. These accounts map to "sa" if they are set in the sysadmin role. Likely that's your issue,

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