Is there a better way.

  • Sorry to be a noob bit is there a better way to mark up a record in a recordset that is closest to the average?

    The table is like this proof_of_concept

    practice random_num

    a 10

    b 21

    c 23

    d 66

    e 185

    f 45

    g 154

    h 34

    i 22

    Using the code below



    declare @avg as int -- declare the average integer

    set @avg=(SELECT AVG(random_num) from tst_proof)--get the average of the data

    select *,abs(random_num-(@avg)) as [count_from],'N' as [midpoint],random_num-(@avg) as [real_val] into #tmp1 from tst_proof

    order by abs(random_num-(@avg))

    update #tmp1

    set midpoint='Y'

    where practice=(select top 1 practice from #tmp1)

    select * from #tmp1 order by random_num desc


    it comes back with the correct answer but it just seems messy

    e 185 123 N 123

    g 154 92 N 92

    d 66 4 Y 4

    f 45 17 N -17

    h 34 28 N -28

    c 23 39 N -39

    i 22 40 N -40

    b 21 41 N -41

    a 10 52 N -52

    So d is closest to the average and is flagged accordingly.

  • Greetings. I'm not sure what you mean by 'messy', as it is kind of subjective. If you are talking about what your code looks like to the eye, then what you consider messy may not be what someone else considers messy. However, if you are of the opinion that your own code is messy, then you should try different styles of formatting it so it is in an easy to follow lay out. Now, if by messy you mean it is taking multiple steps to achieve one end result, which is updating your table, then there are ways to do that, as I've done below using a derived table.

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#tst_proof','u') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #tst_proof

    CREATE TABLE #tst_proof


    practice CHAR(1),

    random_num INT,

    midpoint CHAR(1),

    real_val INT


    INSERT INTO #tst_proof (practice,random_num)


    SELECT 'b', 21 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'c', 23 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'd', 66 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'e', 185 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'f', 45 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'g', 154 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'h', 34 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'i', 22


    SELECT @avg = (SELECT AVG(random_num) FROM #tst_proof)

    UPDATE tp

    SET midpoint = CASE WHEN t1.practice IS NOT NULL THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END,

    real_val = random_num - @avg

    FROM #tst_proof tp LEFT OUTER JOIN

    (--derived table t1 finds the average, and can

    --be joined to the table you are trying to update.



    av = ABS(random_num - @avg)

    FROM #tst_proof

    ORDER BY ABS(random_num - @avg)

    ) t1

    ON tp.practice = t1.practice



    FROM #tst_proof

    ORDER BY random_num DESC

    Now, you might look at that and think "that is way messier than my code", but to me it makes perfect sense. Also, I should note that this solution may not be best if you have a table with many records, and there could be several with values that are an equal distance to the mean. Then, how would you decide which one to flag as the closest to the mean? Or would you want to flag all of them as closest to the mean? Just some things to think about.

    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.

  • Hi Greg

    Thanks for that the formatting is not the messy part as when I see it on Manager ets it's all tastefully indented etc.

    Will have a look laters at yours to see if the costs are any better.



  • douglas.allison-1136597 (3/29/2010)

    Hi Greg

    Thanks for that the formatting is not the messy part as when I see it on Manager ets it's all tastefully indented etc.

    Will have a look laters at yours to see if the costs are any better.



    When you paste code in:

    Select it all in SSMS, copy/paste it into the browser.

    Highlight the code you pasted and then on the left click on the link. It will surround your code with tags and format it for the forums like Gregs.

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • Two things to be wary of:

    - ORDER BY doesn't guarantee the order of inserting into a table. At best - you can count on it to guarantee the identity order if you have an identity column on the table you're inserting into.

    - The TOP n predicate can return unreliable results unless you provide it with a matching ORDER BY.

    So - you may find your results to be highly reliable on a single-user dev environment, with a *boom* occurring when this hits production.

    The good news is - Greg's code avoids both issues, so you should probably lean towards his code for both. You may however consider using TOP 1 WITH TIES (since you could have several values closests to the avegage), or else the update process will arbtrarily pick one for you.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

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