Is there a query to find the list of tables that has schema binding views associated with it?

  • Hi

    Is there a query to find the list of tables that has schema binding views associated with it also

    When we enter ALT + F1 on a table table we get these information as the last one as

    "Table is referenced by views" .

    does schema binding views have any connection with "Table is referenced by views" .

  • use the following query to find if the table is being referenced by a schema binding view:

    DECLARE @objid int

    SELECT @objid = 1333579789

    select distinct 'Table is referred by schema bound views' = from sys.objects obj, sysdepends deps

    where obj.type ='V' and obj.object_id = and deps.depid = @objid

    and deps.deptype = 1 group by

    here objid is the objectID of the table from sysobjects table.

    And yes "'Table is referenced by views'" shows only those views which are schema bound.

    Hope this helps.



  • Hi

    Thanks harshalmistry

    This is the exact one which I was looking for.

    Just for the Info - when we enter ALT + F1 in a table

    'Table is referenced by views' -- Views are listed if there are only schema bound views

    'Table is referenced by views' -- Just displayed but no values will be present if the table has any CHECK constraint.

    'Table is referenced by views' -- Will not be even displayed if above two are not there.



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