Is there room for independent SQL or Data Integration based User Groups?

  • Roman posted the link to the Microsoft Azure Data community. I think if you do 50% of the meetings on MS related topics (Azure, SQL Server, pro dev), they'll pay for Meetup and give you a site. There is also, from Denny Cherry, that is giving away sites for groups. The WIT group is there:

    Redgate isn't doing anything with user groups. There wasn't any asset here from PASS available or sold. We are working on SQL Saturday, the Summit, and posting all the video content.

  • Steve,

    Oh gosh I'm not sure how I missed, I've requested a site and Denny just got it setup for me.  I planned on hosting it on my Linode server, but this seems like a perfect home for it.  I appreciate the name drop...

    I hope to get the site primed this weekend then next week start getting it out there to find some traction.  Since we have no tech UG's in town I hope to encompass all the MS SQL Stack (SSRS, SSIS, SSAS, installation/config, etc) along with BI, Azure, DotNet/Core, Devops, whatever else.  Anything related to data integration, integrity, security, or development.  Many of the other groups I've checked are in much bigger towns so they have lots of MVP's or folks with many certs/credentials, I don't know that we'll have that so I might need to find some guest speakers from time to time *nudge nudge* 🙂  But we need to crawl before we run, need to find some folks interested first.

    Also I'm sure you won't remember me but we did meet briefly at SQL In The City when they had it in Austin about 7 or 8 years back after one of your presentations.  I can't wait until things are back to whatever new normal we'll have in the future so we can start having in-person events like this again.

    Take care, and thanks again for pointing me this direction.



  • My pleasure, and glad you got the site set up. Most people don't want to deal with running a server, and I'm glad MS and Denny are providing sites.

    For events, we'll also have SQL Saturday back up soon (fingers crossed) and Hopefully some of you will run an event this year and next year we'll get back to live ones.

  • Like the discussion between Tom/Jeff, I live in Hawaii which does not have an active SQL community - especially for the outer islands, as most of the SQL work here is in Honolulu on Oahu.  Do we pay a penalty for not working on the mainland?  No more so than any other non-USA-based DBA who wants to maintain their skill-set.  At least for us there is no language or date-line barrier to most sessions.  Remember, we don't have the option to drive to another state - much less to the other islands...

    However, what *is* hard to find is a listing of all of the SQL groups that might now be available to join, if physical location were no barrier (much like Jeff experienced with the NESQL group earlier).  If location were no longer an issue, an individual might have to get up at an unlikely hour outside of work hours, but at least the session would be a possibility for them.  A central clearing-house-calendar of which groups are broadcasting which sessions at which time (UTC or Local time zone would be essential) might see a LOT more participation in those sessions.

    That's the one thing that I truly appreciate about being a DBA, is that we are *ALL* really good at sharing our knowledge, it's the logistics that bog us down.

    Just food for thought under my palm tree...

  • I agree, and I am pushing as a member of the Microsoft Data Community Advisory Board (, to build a more comprehensive directory. Not just of groups MS supports, but others, like those at and other places.

    The tooling is a little hard, as "all" groups gets very wide, but we need to find a way to make an easily searchable directory. Likly every entry needs location, language, maybe something else.

  • David Burrows wrote:

    One advantage of virtual meetings would be, if permissible, for us this side of the pond attending. Would love to see you presenting Jeff 🙂

    Lordy... I'm sorry, David... I missed your very kind and encouraging words.

    You might have a chance to hear me speak.  I submitted a session for the next GROUP BY last week.  Here's the link to the GROUP BY site schedule. The session voting opens to the public on April, the 12th.

    I'd post the abstract I submitted but that doesn't seem like the right thing to do.  I'll go by their schedule.

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